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Rain It Pours: The Dirty Heads

There's a hole in my heart where your love used to be.

I try and fill it with old memories

But since you left it's been gone all along.

Yeah, my love for you burns hot like the sun.  

He was lost.

She'd lost him.

He'd searched the house, hoping she might have been inside, somewhere, hoping he might catch her before she was gone for good.

She wasn't.

He sat in the kitchen and stared at the table for twenty minutes, then went back to the shed and stared at the zen frogs for a while, no longer finding them funny.

He tidied the shed, finding a purple hair tangled in one of the rugs.  He took it outside with him, watching the sun glint off it, illuminating the different shades of purple, remembering the aurora of her purple curls.  Then, he felt like a creep, so he let the hair go, regretting it as the wind blew it away.

He went back into the shed and smoked to forget how crappy he was feeling, now, falling back into his pillows as the earth started spinning again.

He smiled and turned his head to the side, forgetting that Ashley wasn't there, then, he remembered, and his smile fell.

He didn't know why she went.

He didn't understand how he could be so sad on such a beautiful day.

He wished he didn't smoke.

He wished he'd gone to the beach, instead.

He wished Ashley would come back.

He wished she decided to stay with him.

He was lost.

She'd lost him.

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