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Kyra and Ashley's awesome salad

What you need:

-A variety of your favorite,  fresh vegetables from your garden, or fridge.

-A mango and an apple.

-A can of chickpeas/ lentils


-A large salad bowl.

-A bottle of sweet chilli sauce.

-Extra virgin olive oil.

-Sesame oil.

-Small container with tight lid


-Fry the tofu until it is hot all the way through, ten chop into cubes

-Chop/ slice vegetables, apple, mango and mix together with chickpeas/ lentils in the salad bowl.

-Put one part chilli sauce to three parts olive oil into small container.

-Add two or three drops of sesame oil, put the lid on and shake the shit out of that bitch.

-Taste and adjust ratios, because it's almost a guarantee that it fucked up.

-When satisfied it doesn't taste like poison, drizzle over salad and toss.


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