Everything And More

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It only took Ash two weeks to land herself a job, waitressing at one of the trendy cafes in town, specialising in organic vegetarian and vegan food.  She didn't hate waitressing nearly as much as she remembered, but the thing she enjoyed the most was the change of scene.

She had laughed about it, joking about her big change, just to become a waitress again, but Rae reminded her about the constant change of life, that nothing lasted forever.  If she really hated it, like before, she could try something else.  This wasn't necessarily her fate, written in stone.

Keira reminded her that jobs were supposed to suck, that's why they had to pay people to do it, or they'd be happy to do it for free.

She reminded herself of how lucky she was to have gotten the job in the first place, considering how quickly she had packed up her life and moved on.  Money was a necessary evil, but at least she had the means to earn it and support herself.  Not everyone was so fortunate.

She'd been nervous, at first, starting a new job after so many years of doing the same thing, and growing comfortable in that.  Suprisingly, she found that she actually enjoyed working in the cafe.  Everyone was so friendly and cheerful.  She'd never been happier. 

At first, Kyra worried that she wouldn't be.  It was different, starting out from scratch, working to set yourself up.  At least, the three weeks she'd been here before, she hadn't needed to worry, she had everything to go back to at home, but now, this was home.  He just hoped like hell it was enough for her.

To her, it was everything and more.

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