Postcard 15: Friday

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The rain hadn't stopped since yesterday.  After the heat we've have, it was a relief.

Kyra liked the rain in the Summer.  It leaves everything feeling refreshed, washes away all the evil, and shows that the earth is still functioning because it can find a balance between hot and cold.  I wasn't sure if that was true, about the earth finding a balance, it was still warm, even with the rain, but Kyra is so much more in tune with the earth than I am, so I trust him.

His intelligence isn't the kind you can buy in the form of a university degree.  It was like he could feel the vibrations of the earth in a deeper part of his being than the rest of us, like there was an understanding of the universe that we couldn't even begin to imagine.

We all danced in the rain, ending up muddy and wet, obviously, but it was so much fun, and, then, we changed into dry, warm clothes, and we sat under the veranda to watched the rain falling through the trees, listening to the frogs calling.

It's hard to believe I've only been here a few weeks, I feel like I've known these guys forever.  It's harder to believe that, in just one more, I'll have to leave them again and go back to life before this.  But, I'm not thinking of that, I don't want to ruin this moment.

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