Garden Of Weeden

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I went to the veggie garden with Kyra to pick some things for the salad. Besides the different types of lettuces they had growing, he told me how the little beetroot leaves can be mixed in, as well.

There were tomatos growing, perfect red orbs nestled in the bright green leaves. Hiding under the tomatoes was a garden gnome, and I leaned down toward him to read the sign he was holding.

"Garden of Weeden," I giggled, and Kyra shrugged, smirking.

"It's open to interpretation," he said with a wink, handing me a perfectly ripe cherry tomato, biting into one himself.

"Where did he come from?" I wondered, popping the tomato into my mouth, nearly spilling juice and seeds down my front. "Someone brought him here."

"It's my revenge for the zen frogs," he explained. "Rae just found a better home for him than I could for my guys."

"What are the zen frogs?" I wondered, but he shrugged.

"They're just... they're mental," he answered, which didn't really explain it. "They live on my window sill."

"Maybe they could come keep this guy company?" I suggested, but he hesitated, grinning at the ground.

"They're kind of growing on me," he admitted.

"Was that pun intentional?"

"Pun?" He repeated.

"Because we're in the garden? And plants grow and whatever?"

Realisation dawned on his face, and he laughed.

"That's so bad."

"Yeah," I winced.

"Are you going to punch me if it was intentional?"

"I wouldn't hit you," I assured him.

"Even though I'd deserve it?"

I shook my head.

"Cool," he feigned relief and shrugged. "It wasn't intentional, but I'm happy to roll with it."

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