Parlez-Vous Français?

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The three girls finished at the barbecue and crowded around the table next to me. They were friendly, introducing themselves to me, quickly making friends.

Chloe' and 'Emilie were both French, and had met Nicole, who was British, while she was backpacking around Europe. Then, the three of them decided to travel Australia for three months together.

Nicole could speak seven different languages, and was studying her eighth in the hope of becoming an interpreter some day.

They were teaching me some phrases in French, giggling at my bad pronunciation.

"J'ai vingt quatre ans," 'Emilie repeated. "I'm twenty four years old."

I repeated it as best as I could and all three cheered, giggling again as I grinned, for getting my insecurities.

"You girls coming to the beach?"

We all turned when one of the guys from the other group approached, speaking in a Californian accent.

"Me and my friends are all heading down, you should come along."

We agreed eagerly, and nine of us in total left the hostel, making our way down the beach in the darkness.

*By the way, I don't speak French, I used Google translate for this part, so that's probably completely wrong. Let me know! :)

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