Divine Beings

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The spirit of the earth is a great and powerful thing, a divine being living dormant in us all. All it takes for it to be awoken is a place of magic, a birth place, whether it be the one where our soul finds refuge within the vessel that is our body on the day we are born, or another place altogether, later on in the cycle of Life. 

A re-birthing of sorts, the moment we wake up and open our eyes to properly see for the very first time, to expand our lungs and take our very first breaths.  To open our ears and our hearts and our minds and souls and properly listen, to hear the earth speak to us, croon to us, nurture us and guide us like a mother.  

Because, only then, when we are able to properly see and hear and feel, can we let the great spirit guide us to where we need to be.

Magic is everywhere, there is a place for everyone, a higher purpose in life for us all, and the spirit is calling us, just waiting for us to hear it.

All you need to do is listen

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