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Through The Roots: Dancing In The Rain

But I'm on the path to growing stronger, you must endure the pain,

Cause life's a thunderstorm, and I'm just dancing in the rain

The rain was nice, relieving, refreshing. It fell from the sky just to rise back up again as steam from the baked earth. It wasn't cold, it was a little muggy, but not in an unpleasant way. Rae and Caleb had disappeared off into the forest somewhere, and Keira and Edgy had gone back inside, so it was just Kyra and me out there.

The rain was a little heavier now, and I could hear it on the tin roof where we stood beside the house. Kyra had asked me if I wanted to go inside, but I said I wasn't phased if he wasn't. He said he was more than happy to stay out for a while, so we did that, listening to the magpies singing and the frogs calling.

I'd taken the chace, as the girl from the band Tarot had told me to. The universe presented to me an opportunity to dance, and, for once, I had. I was still far too wound up to go inside, just yet.

Then I started getting bitten by mozzies, so we moved into the shed, shutting the door to lock them outside.

I was cold now, and I fished through my bag to find a jumper, something dry, then changed into that. I perched on the end of Kyra's bed, opposite him, watching him as he put his music on, turning the volume down low so that we could still hear the rain over it.

"Do you like the rain?" He wondered, but I shrugged.

"It depends," I explained. "If I'm walking to work or something, not so much, but this is nice."

He nodded, smiling, seeing to dwell on my words, and I tilted my head.

"Do you like it?" I asked.

He nodded and grinned

"I love it," he admitted, "especially if it's been hot."

I laughed, twirling a lock of hair around my finger.

"What?" He asked innocently.

"Do you not like anything?"

He thought about it for a moment, then shrugged.

"There's plenty of things I don't like," he explained. "I don't want to think about it too much, though. It's bad for your soul, to focus on the negative."

I nodded. It made sense.

"It's probably a good way to be," I decided, sectioning off a lock of hair, which I began to braid, just to keep my hands busy. "Everyone seems to spend so much time focusing on what's bad that we forget to remind ourselves about what's good."

"Exactly." He smiled, his gaze fixated on my fingers as I got to the end of my braid, and started on a second strand.

"That's gonna take a while, to do the whole lot."

I laughed.

"I'm not gonna do the whole lot."

"How come?"

"It'll take too long."

"I can help," he offered. "braids would look so cool, in your hair."

"They'll all just fall out again when I wash it, though," I pointed out.

"We can do some dreads," he suggested.

I paused, considering it, then I grinned, and nodded.


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