The End Of The Beginning

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I started out with this grand idea of discovering myself, of finding out who I really was.  I think what I found out, instead, was that we are constantly changing.  We're creations of the universe, masterpieces that become a little better the more we experiment and practice and discover.

I started out with no idea what would happen, no idea that I would fall in love, with life, with Kyra, with myself, in the most non arrogant way.

I started my trip with the intentions of seeing how far I could get, but, what I never realised was how far I could go.

Is there a difference?  Of course.

I might not have traveled as far as I'd intended, but I definitely got a whole lot further than I thought, not necessarily literally, but definitely mentally. My journey of self discovery began here, and, everyday, I learn a little more.

We aren't set in our ways.  We're not pre made, generic beings.  Our past does not define us, and neither does our future.  Life isn't about power, or material possessions.  It's not about finding ourselves, it's about creating ourselves, about love, laughter, kindness, and being the best possible person that we can be. 

And that is entirely up to us.

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