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Massive Attack: Inertia Creeps

Recollect me, darling, raise me to your lips,

Two undernourished egos, four rotating hips.

Hold onto me tightly, I'm a sliding scale

Can't endure, then you can't inhale clearly.


I am swaying, and I can't stop myself.

I am in my own world, the inner world, a safe little pocket of love and happiness where I am protected from the evils of the simple world.

And it is spinning, round and round, head over heels, faster and faster.

My eyes snap open, but I am still in the inner world, the simple world is gone completely.

The inner world looks oddly familiar, just like Kyra's mandala on his bedroom wall.

Wait, that's what I am looking at.

Now, I am looking at my watch.


I feel safe, comforted and relaxed.


I am lost.

And I am still swaying.

My name is floating all around me, inside me and outside me. It is like an ocean wave, like the air around me is water and I am sitting beneath the ebb and flow of the tide.

My name, I can hear it, and...

Oh, Kyra is calling me.

He wants to know if I'm okay.

Why wouldn't I be?

My voice sounds distant, echoing back through sound waves, maybe. How does sound work?

I'm great.

He's smiling. He looks happy. He always looks happy.

There's a melody swimming through the watery air.

Keira and Rae are dancing. They want me to join them.

I want to dance.

Kyra laughs and I struggle to my feet.

I sway, and I sway some more. I reach my hands up above me, reaching for the angels. I let my hips swing, the way the other girls are. Then I find my own rhythm, let my hair fall over my face as my head tips back, losing myself to the music, letting it take control, possess my body.

I can't stop dancing.

Keira and Rae are taking their clothes off, laughing. I leave mine on.

The song fades out and something new fades in, and the music releases me.

Kyra is still sitting, watching me. The other girls are completely naked, but he pays no attention to them, like Caleb and Edgy are.

And I pay no attention to any of them.  My eyes are all for Kyra, and something in me shifts.  My chest is too tight.  My heart is swelling, and all I feel is love.  I have to be near him.

I'm next to Kyra. I'm staring at the roof, my head is in his lap.

My watch tells me that it's 10:52. It must be the morning. It has to have been longer than seven minutes.

But it's still dark outside.

Kyra agrees.

I know I shouldn't be laying on him, but I don't know why I shouldn't be, either.

He says I'm beautiful.

I laugh. He laughs as well.

We're creatures of this universe, we're all beautiful.

Kyra smiles and he strokes my hair, maybe because he thinks I am good.

Now, you understand.

I think I close my eyes. I think I smile.

Now I understand.

I'm swaying, and I can't stop myself.

I'm swaying.

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