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"It's supposed to rain, later," Kyra said to her.

"Really?"  She frowned, gazing up into the clear sky.  "I don't see any clouds."

"They can move pretty quick," he pointed out, shrugging.

"I heard thunder the other morning," she told him.

"I heard that, too," he replied, smiling.

"Mum used to tell me it was angels playing the drums," she told him, laughing.  "I used to be scared of storms."

"That's really cute," he laughed.  "Do you still believe in angels?"

"Yeah."  She nodded firmly, then shrugged, biting her lip.  "I know, it's stupid."

"How is it stupid?"

"I'm not talking about heaven, or hell or anything," she explained, gazing out through the trees.  "I think that angels, or whatever, are the divine beings that we're all looking for."

"So... the angels are the gods?"

"Not gods."  She shook her head, hesitating, trying to find the right words to make sense and not sound crazy.  "I think angels are our highest form."

"Like Seraphim?"

"Yeah."  She nodded.  "I believe that we're reincarnated when we die, and each time, we become a little better, fixing our flaws from our previous lives."

He said nothing, but nodded, intrigued, and so she went on.

"Once we're perfect, we become guardian angels, and we can pick a loved one to help guide through life."

"I like that idea," Kyra said, following her gaze to the forest.  "It's really comforting, actually."

"I thought so," she laughed.

"So you believe in reincarnation, instead of heaven and hell?"

"It's all I can accept," she explained.  "I reckon that people who are more comfortable with themselves, and around other people, have been here before.  Like, they're old souls, closer to becoming the best version of themselves."

"So, maybe, in our next lives, we might be angels?"

"Maybe."  She smiled, relieved that he understood, instead of just thinking she was weird.

"What about animals?"  He wondered.

"I always thought that people, like you, who are more connected to the earth have been here before, maybe as a wild animal, and have been reincarnated as a human."

"You reckon I was an animal?"

"I don't know," she shrugged, feeling embarrassed again.  "Maybe."

She wasn't used to opening up to someone on such a deep level, but Kyra was just so easy to talk to, like he fully understood every word she spoke, as though she was speaking from his own mind.

"If I was, I was probably a slug, or something equally as shit," he joked, lightening the mood once more.

"You would have been something cool, like a wolf," Ash laughed

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