Taking The Chance

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The rain was sudden, beginning with a few bolts of lighting slashing through the sky, followed by claps of thunder that rolled across the earth.  Even when the downpour came, a little later, it wasn't very cold, the temperature only dropped a few degrees, but the rain drops fell hard, hitting like little, icy wet bullets.

Kee, Edgy, Rae and Caleb came out and joined us, the six of us gazing up into the clouds, marvelling at the storm.  We all laughed when a particularly sharp, loud thunder clap made us all jump.  Ash clung to me with fright, then stepped back again, laughing sheepishly, but I kept an arm around her waist, anyway.

Then came the downpour.

We were drenched all the way through in a matter of seconds, shrieking and laughing, chasing each other around.  Kee and Rae took both my hands, forming a cirlce and spun us round and round in a wild, chaotic dance, kicking up mud and water as we whirled.

I shoved Kee gently into Edgy, who caught her up, and Rae skipped away as well, swinging by Ash and quickly hugging her along the way, completely caught up in the excitement of the storm.  She looked over to me meaningfully before joining Caleb.

Ash was grinning up at the sky, the rain plastering her long hair to the sides of her face, and I crept up to her, grabbing her around the waist, making her scream.

"Kyra," she cried, laughing as she spun around, darting away from me.

I chased her, and she squealed again as Caleb and Edgy caught her for me.

"Why are you ganging up on me?"  She complained.

"Because they're jerks," Kee answered her.  Edgy turned his attention to her and wrestled her, squealing, into the mud.  Rae, at least, had the sense to leg it before Caleb got the same idea to do it to her.

"You wanna go inside where it's dry?"  I asked her, running my hands up and down her cold arms, which were covered in goosebumps, but she shook her head.

"I normally run for shelter when it rains," she explained to me.  "I didn't realise how nice it can be to dance in the downpour, sometimes." 

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