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Outside, between the house and the forest were a bunch of old tree stumps that had been carved into chairs by the people who lived here before us.  They used to be under an old fernary, but the plants had long ago died and the frame had nearly fallen down.  We had cleared away the dangerous parts and rebuilt the frame to support the grape vine climbing it, a living canopy overhead.

We always went out there to eat, or get drunk, or stoned, or just hang out.  Kee and Edgy were out there now, passing a joint back and forward between them, watching the sun set over the tree tops.

Ashley was in her room, sitting crosslegged on the bed, writing on the back of a postcard when I knocked on her door.

"Hi," she said, a little shyly, and I leaned my shoulder in the doorway.

"Hey," I responded, glancing at the post card she set aside on the bedside table.  "Writing home?"

"To myself," she replied, kind of sheepishly.  "You know, keeping track of it all."

"It's a great idea."

"It's kind of daggy," she laughed, but I shook my head.

"Not at all."  I nodded toward her window, in the direction of Edgy and Kee.

"Those two are getting high," I told her.  "Then they're probably going to be looking for food, when they come back in.  You hungry?"

"A little," she replied, still shy.

"I'm gonna go put somethig together for everyone," I told her, "do you have allergies, or anything?"

"Nope," she shook her head, uncrossing her legs.  "I'll come help you."

"Okay," I smiled, stepping out of the doorway, walking with her to the kitchen.

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