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The rest of the afternoon was spent with Kyra, obviously.  I took him to show him where I lived, hoping he didn't mind the sink full of dishes I'd left this morning, or the pile of unfolded washing on the couch.

He seemed a little apprehensive, and I wondered if maybe he was having second thoughts.  When I asked him, though, if there was something worrying him, it was only the idea that I might change my mind. 

He stayed with me that night, though, neither of us slept much, talking, kissing, cuddling, making up for lost time.  When my alarm went off the next morning, waking me for work, I hit snooze, and rolled over to snuggle up to him again.  

All I wanted to do was to forget my responsibilities and lay in bed with him all day.  But, alas, my alarm sounded once more, and, with a great show of will power, I managed to drag myself out of bed.  At least, the difficult morning was a little easier with him there, rubbing his sleepy eyes as I took down two mugs to make us both coffee and breakfast.

He looked so out of place in my tiny apartment, such a wild thing in such a tame environment.  I knew he couldn't possibly survive here, even though he'd offered to try, for me.  And, in the few short days I'd been back here, the wild thing he'd awoken in me was beginning to suffer here, as well.  I knew I'd made the right decision, to follow him back to the magical place I'd met him.

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