#25 A Different Lens

164 41 22

You keep the fire of hopes and dreams alive in those whose dreams are almost extinguished.

Because those extinguished dreams are the ones who've lived those golden days.

Oh, I want to replenish those days which have given me the best of memories.

Shall I build you a time machine to visit those days again?

No, no, not needed. I love to visit those golden days through the time machine of my mind.

You went into your mind
You went to meet your past
And when I encouraged you with a smile
You say I'm not fast?

Yeah I saw you there
amidst the reconciliation of my halcyon days.
But emptiness took me away from this world so vast.

It's just the way you see the world dear.
You see it empty, I see it full.
Empty of your tears and full with your laughs.

"After all, what matters is the way you see the world"


A shorty jamming session with Supriya123456789

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