#87 Smile

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"How come you always have a smile on your face?"

They were in the middle of another physics lecture when he had glanced at her face. Even in such a boring lecture, he was surprised to see her smile. He couldn't help but ask the question looming in his mind.

She looked at him and once again he was greeted with one of her magical smiles. That little curve filled his heart with happiness. Her smile always did that.

"I have no reason to be sad," she shrugged it off.

He kind of expected that answer, yet, it was too hard for him to believe.

"Don't the nightmares haunt you? Don't the mornings reveal a new truth everyday? In this world filled with lies, there are so many reasons to be sad while not much to smile. And yet..." He left the thought linger.

And once again smiled at that. Their professor still kept throwing those big terms at them. But now, even their friends sitting around them were focussed on her. They definitely found it more interesting than the physics theories.

"Well, if you see from my eyes, every night comes with new dreams and every morning comes with a new hope. Those nightmares are forgotten with the dawn and those truths don't matter after the dusk.

"Thinking about it, I think you're right. There are very less reasons to smile and the world somehow wants to embrace that sadness. But if you have the right heart, you'll find infinite reasons to smile and much less reasons to invert that curve."

Her words were greeted with a wave of claps. Professor and the rest of class looked towards the group, but they didn't budge. Today's physics class had taught them a beautiful lesson of life.

And they had to praise their teacher. The teacher who once again filled all their hearts with another one of her magical smiles.


Inspired from some thoughts by The_Aloof

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