#64 Horrors of Night

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"Good night beta."

She tucked her son to sleep before making her own bed. His father arrived a minute later. As they both finished their dinner, they proceeded to get lost in a world of dreams.

But rain had other plans.

The silent atmosphere didn't take time to run rampage. In just a couple of hours, rains lashed their town. Lightening strikes could be seen all over the night sky. Some far away, some right close. But they didn't deter. They stood there between rain and their son.

They hurried to close all windows and doors. But the strength of wind was just too much. Water seeped in from tiny crevices. From the window sill. Under the door. It was everywhere.

They stayed up the whole night to ensure their son had a peaceful sleep. Not a single drop reached his bed.

When the horrors finally subsided, darkness was just making way for dawn.

As the first rays of sun hit his face, he slowly woke up. "Wow, what a pleasant morning. There's a crispness in the air today."

His parents nodded silently. They didn't tell him what all happened in the night. For they knew he wouldn't believe. After all, the new day had washed away all the traces of horror.

What remained was a beautiful day with a crispness in its air.


"Those who didn't witness the horrors of night, won't believe it in the day."

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