#31 Imperfectly Perfect

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It was supposed to be her favorite color. After all, life had given her nothing else but a shade of black in her fortune. Parents, brother, a friend, couple of strangers; she consumed them all. And yet, almost every time she lived on to witness another night. Another night shrouded in a cloak of black. Her favorite color.

But today, she wished for a balanced amount of white in her shade of black. Some sign of brightness. A faint shine. Maybe some sparkles. Anything.

And for the first time, the universe conspired to shoot a star for her.

He entered on the stage of her loneliness, bringing his excitement with him. And for the first time, there was a thunderstorm in the summer of her life.

A pinch of his optimism was all that was needed to add flavour to her tasteless life.

They weren't suitable living alone in this world, yet, they were the perfect couple it could witness.

They were imperfectly perfect.

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