#57 Us?

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Some stories end on a hope that there might be a tomorrow where you and I will be together.

But here, I want to build a story on hope, where hope is the first page, and the story is where you and I are together.

Some stories start with a dream that you and I are together.

But here, I want to build a story chasing that dream. A story where you and I are together and it ends in that lovely dream.

Some stories are fairytales where the prince and princess are together.

But here, I want a reality. A reality where you and I are simple humans, with emotions. Where the brains fight and the hearts love.

Some stories make me fall in love, some just make me angry. They leave me in an anxiety of emotions.

But here, I want those emotions which only you can give. Because I know there's no feeling like you and I being together.

You and I.

We'd have been together. Forever.
If only you'd have been what I wanted you to be.

I wanted you to be my diamond and adorn the space near my heart. Instead, you chose to be platinum and curl around my fingers.

You and I.

We could have been the best fairytale written so far.
If only you'd have been what I wanted you to be.


A shorty jamming session with chasing_uncertainty

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