#122 Time

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The car screeched to a halt as she jammed the brakes in. Annoyingly she watched an old man cross the road before her. Every other second he was gesturing her to stop the car. As if I'm going to ram it on him, she faked a devilish smile.

As soon as she was assured that the old man was out of danger, she released the clutch and the car sped up once again. After two more irritatingly long stops at traffic signals, she was cursing at the bikers trying to hinder her movement.

That day, everyone except her seemed to have time at their leisure. She was the only one getting late. And so, she had the right to drive rash and curse at everything that slowed her down.

Yes, she had earned that right.

Or so she thought.


When will the people learn that they aren't the only ones getting late?

The world around them is equally busy too.

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