#40 Pages of History

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She turned the pages of history to scroll through their lives.

The Kings, the Queens , Prince and Princess'. All those real fairytales which found a way to be eternal.

And then at last, she turned the final page of history.

There lay a story which can only be found in her book. A story which would never become eternal. Not that she wanted it to anyways.

Because it was the story of them. A story which started with a hope. A story with ended with a dream. A dream of them being together.

A dream which never made it to the dreams.

People thought she just played a goof. But there was a reason she didn't like to study history.

Because hidden in those pages of history were the clues leading to his mystery. A mystery she never wished to solve.

It'd just stay there. Between those pages of history. Forever.


A shorty inspired from chasing_uncertainty

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