#120 Thoughts

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Just like every other night, the world was silent once again. Midnight had always been a funny time. He opened the lock with his key and entered the house. Just like the world outside, it was supposed to be quiet and dark as well. She wasn't supposed to be awake. But then, he wasn't surprised at all.

She and sleep didn't have a very good history.

She smiled as she saw him come in.

"Can't sleep?"

Even at this time of the night, his eyes reflected concern and care. She admired him for that.

"It's the thoughts that keep me awake," she replied, "They just keep going round and round in this little head of mine."

He almost chuckled at her innocence.

"Make them straight then," he tried to laugh it off.

"But straight lines are endless," she pleaded.

Realizing the seriousness of the conversation, he wore his most serious face.

"If a line is endless, then so are thoughts too."

She was already impressed by his thought, but his next words left her staring at him with awe.

"If your thoughts were a circle, you'd never get out of that limit. If it was a point, you'd most probably search for someone else to make a meaning. It's that endless extension which gives wings to your dreams."


"Don't ever stop dreaming. But more than that, don't ever stop thinking."

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