#103 Headache

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"I'm hungry," she stated looking at him.

He just shrugged and got back to reading his book. "Cook something then," came his voice from behind the book.

She wasn't tired or anything, but she'd have loved if he made something for her. Since he didn't seem to be in the mood today, she decided to take the matters in her hand.

"I'm making tea. You want some?"

The way he glanced up from his book gave her all the answers. She had always been a master of asking stupid questions and she proved it once again. When was the last time he said no to tea? Never.

She quietly creeped into the kitchen to make some tea. But the universe was hell bent on denying her the luxury today.

"The tea powder is finished," she said standing in the doorway of their kitchen.

He gave her a murderous look from which she didn't shy away either. She raised his hopes and now she was crushing them too.

Once again she creeped into the kitchen and started to look for options. Confirmed she could do nothing about it, she finally made some coffee for herself.

With the mug in hand, she went out to take her favorite place on the window sill. Gazing at the little drops of rain, she took a sip of the hot coffee.

"Where's my coffee?" he asked keeping the book aside.

Identifying it as the perfect time to settle the score, she just shrugged and continued taking a sip from her mug.

"Make one yourselves," came her voice some sips later.


"Tea or coffee doesn't matter. What matters is the milk and water you put in them."

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