#70 The Wizard

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Once upon a time,there lived an innocent wizard. Tired of his own spells, his mind went still one day.

Rather than chasing that lost magic he just allowed time to play its role. He just waited for that spark.

Sadly,it never came. That magic which he believed in left his heart broken. But then,how can it break when it was already taken.

It was taken by a paper. The day it met his pen. But today, that pen lay dry. His ink had left his side.

That paper lay crumpled below as mind went on a dull ride. Life became a treacherous maze, yet, there seemed to be no place to hide. A maze which was filled with rules, something which he had to abide.

But for once he wanted to break them. Tired of that dullness, he wished for a sailor to tame his tide. He waited and waited but not once lost his hope. Sailor was just lost at the sea, he thought.

He believed hope was the best thing he could have. But no, he was wrong. Because it wasn't long before it happened. When the music was lost from his song.

After almost an eternity, someone had managed to steal his tune. His rhythm. His soul.

He looked so defeated that people called him a lost cause.

Just when it appeared like all hope was lost, that lost magic returned.

Evil witch clawed her way back into his life, bringing all the spells and magic with her. She attacked him, hurt him, pierced him, stealed and locked his heart away. But none of it mattered.

Because his enemy was back. The enemy which he longed for more than a friend. Neither love, nor emotions, it was this friendly battle which kept him going.

That day he realized that friendship had the power to leave him drained. Something, that love can never do. And when it broke, it ached more than anything else.

No matter what the world said, he knew that his enemy was his best friend.


"Such is the game of friendship. Some win without playing while some lose after giving it their all. Such is the game of friendship."


First shorty with AnAspiringSoul

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