#50 April Love

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All the college friends met once again to celebrate yet another anniversary of their batch mates, Rahul and Aditi.

"You know Aditi, when this duffer proposed you that day, he forgot to add a little April fool after," one of them joked.

Aditi's lips parted in a smile as she tightened her grip over his fingers.

"I knew it was a prank," she said, "Because if it wasn't, even I would've rejected him."

A shy smile crossed over Rahul's face as he ruffled his hair.

"But don't worry dear," Aditi threw her hands around his neck, "I want to spend many more April's with my fool."


"Regardless of how it's born, a true love never dies."


And with that we complete 50 Shorties.

Thank you all you lovely readers for making this journey memorable.

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