#92 Rain

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The usually blue sky
Was covered in a veil of grey
A pack of dark clouds
Were ready to hunt their prey...


He finished his poem and published it instantly. The readers started to pour in their views soon. And with that came the votes and comments.

Some said they liked it, some said they loved it. Some wished to dance under that rain while some just wanted to steal the rain for themselves.

That comment section never failed to fascinate him. It was always amazing to see how a single thought of him spurred many more in his reader's mind. And they in turn made him think as well. On each post there would always be that one comment which would either surprise him, rattle him, or make him scratch his head. And this poem was no different too.

"There has been a lot of rain in your poems recently. The weather must have been amazing with all those rains around. I envy you, you know. It's so hot out here."

He literally burst out in laughs reading that. For someone who had always called the poets as the best liars around, he was amazed at how easily the readers believed his words.

He replied to the comment and business got back to normal, but only he knew how it was nothing close to being normal. The reality was so different from what his stories and poems portrayed.

It were the rains which had overlooked his little town. Over the last few weeks, it had been raining all over the state but the clouds didn't even spare a single drop for his town.

The words which he wrote weren't the one of excitement and happiness. They were the words of hope. A hope, that one day, even he can live a life that his characters did. A hope, that one day even he'd get drenched in those rains and dance under them.

His words may have been lies, still, they were filled with a hope. And that's what mattered.


"Writers are the best liars around."


One thing that I'd really like to tell you readers is that I absolutely enjoy reading your comments. Some are thoughtful, some funny, some just lame, while some really inspiring. But then, each and every one of them holds a special place for me.

So yes, don't ever stop giving your beautiful comments.

Because only I know how much they inspire me. Many of my stories are weaved around the reader's comments.

The ones who've read Aliens Land In India would know how that story had come up. A simple lame comment. That's it.

And so have many other stories.

I take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for the amazing support. It's practically magic.


Inspired from a comment by most_bay

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