#99 Movies

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She let out yet another scream as the ghost made an appearance on screen. A couple of more screams later, the audience couldn't bear it anymore. They kindly requested her to leave as her screams were scaring them more than the ghost.

She walked out hurriedly giving him a death glance. He had no other choice but to follow her out.

Once out, the built up volcano in her erupted.

"Why were we watching a horror movie?" she asked, arms crossed across her heaving chest, "You know I don't like horror movies and still you purposefully chose this one?"

He let out the most dramatic sigh she had ever heard.

"How many more times shall I tell you that it was an accident? The poster showed the main characters in that famous Titanic pose. How was I supposed to know that the heroine would be a ghost?"

Even in the state she was in, she couldn't help but smile at his innocence.

"You'll always remain my favorite duffer."


What kind of movies do you like?


Did you notice the number at top?
It's 99!

The next one would be the 100th shorty of this book.

This calls for a grand party, right?

So then, start making the plans. Suggest some amazing ideas in which we can celebrate this.

And yes, decide who's going to pay too *wink*

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