#59 Time and Words

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I disturb you a lot, don't I?
Makes me wonder if you'd ask all this time back some day.

Oh darling, I'd give you all the time, just for some words in return.

I believe time is more precious than just some words. Why would you sacrifice your diamond just to have a handful of gold?

Those words ain't just a handful of gold, but more precious than a diamond the jeweller of life once sold.

They're what keep me going, to strive a little faster, and fight a little harder.
They're the strings that pull my reign while falling, and make my heart test the waters even when I am drowning.

I don't know what I'd have done without you. What my words would have been without you.

They were like coal lying in some random ore when you plucked them out and burned them to gold.

Yes, your heart might be drowning in the ocean of my words, but my words burn in the lava of your heart.

So don't ruin anything and maybe just about everything solely on grounds of probability.

I am here to stay.

Let both time and words, be testimony for the same.

Time shall justify of what words are to be said and words will rule over how time behaves in the future.

But above anything else, I just love the equation we're forming. There's just 5% probability of us having our fairytale.

But then, when two dynamite meet, that's a very high chance.

With this distance between us, fairytale or not, we've found a space where peace and explosions dwell together.

We'll build our own story, fairytales can find some words later.

We'd finally be the dream that no one has seen, the story that was never written, the song which has never  been sung.

We won't be the words etched in some pages of history. We'd just be the time which keeps us both going.

This distance between us is just an illusion. Because in reality, I'm in your seconds and you're in my words.


Another shorty made with chasing_uncertainty

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