#74 A Mirage

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Her eyes like diamond
I always fall in love
Let her be my hand
And I'd be her glove

"Seriously?" his friend burst into laughter reading the lines he had scribbled. "The things poets do to rhyme I tell you. Love and glove? Seriously?" he again let out a loud laugh.

Watching his friend like that, even Jai chuckled a bit.

"Maybe love is like that," he said surprising his friend.

"What do you mean?"

Jai thought for a little and then allowed the writer in him to bring out the words for him.

"Maybe love is nothing more than a mirage. From far away, it seems like something which will really quench your thirst. But only the people who've been there would know that it does nothing more than make you even more thirsty. It's that perfect mirage which a desert can pull off."

His friend could just stare at him at that point. He didn't have any experience in love, but listening to those words, he felt as if he was better off living in a forest rather than wandering in a desert.

"And, when the emotion itself is so complicated, I don't think it's a surprise that it's so difficult to rhyme."

After that day, his friend never laughed when he kept rhyming the word with glove and dove. Now he knew that anything related to love is bound to be difficult. Always.


"Love. It's an emotion which has nothing in it. And yet, it has everything that has ever existed."


Inspired from some comments by Wordgasm_

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