Chapter 2: The Day We Met

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Once SinB and I entered the school, we were amazed by how big it was. As we were walking around the school. We checked to see if we had any classes with each other. 

"Hey what classes do you have?? I have Music with Mr. Min, Math with Mr. Song, English with Mr. Kim, Dance with Mr. Jung, Science with Mr. Wang, and then PE with Mr. Park." I ask her. 

"What the heck?!" SinB exclaimed. 

"What?? What's wrong??" 

"WE HAVE THE EXACT SAME TEACHERS!!" she said while jumping up and down. 

"OMG!!! That's amazing!!! We won't ever be separated!!" We were jumping and laughing so much. 

People started to look at us like we were crazy. 

Which we are but um... yeah... 

We stopped and ran away because of how embarrassed we were. 

SinB and I suddenly bumped into something. Or more like someone. I fell and landed on my butt, while SinB was able to stay standing. 


I looked up and I saw a cute boy there standing.

Oh wow...

He helped me up while he said, "Omg, I'm so sorry. Are you ok?? I'm so sorry." 

Calm down Eunha... he's just a guy... nothing special right... 

"N-no, it's n-not your fault. I-I was the one running, s-so i'm the one to blame. And i-i'm ok. I didn't get hurt. Did you??" I asked. 

Why did I stutter?? What is happening?!


We have finally been able to lose the crowd. As I was walking down the hall talking with V, I felt a small figure bump into me. 

*inhales* Oww...

She fell, but I was able to stay standing. I was able to see that her friend bumped into V Hyung as well. I felt bad. 

She looked up and I saw the cutest face I had ever seen. She was so cute. She has big doe eyes. And the chubbiest cheeks ever. I swear she looked like a bunny. 

I helped her up, "Omg, I'm so sorry. Are you ok?? I'm so sorry!" 

She then started to speak.  "N-no, it's n-not your fault. I-I was the one running, s-so i'm the one to blame. And i-i'm ok. I didn't get hurt. Did you??" 

Aww, she is SO cute. 

Her voice is so soft, and she sounded even cuter when she was stuttering. 

Wait, what?? 

Why am I saying this about a girl that I don't even know??

"Oh, um no. I didn't get hurt. Um, if you don't mind me asking but what's your name? I haven't seen you around." I said. She looked at me and smiled. 

Aahhhh her smile is sooo cute. Wait did I just fanboy over her smile?!!! 

"My name is Jung Eunbi. But I like to be called Eunha. And this is my friend Hwang Eunbi. But she likes to be called SinB. And you haven't seen us around because we are new here. We just transferred here. What's your name?" She said happily. 

Her name is just as beautiful as her. I noticed that I was staring at her and forgot to answer her question. 

Wait what was her question?? 

Oh right... 

"My name is Jeon Jungkook. And this is my friend V." I told her. 

Yugyeom wasn't there with us sooo...

"What's your first period??" V Hyung and I both say at the same time. 

Eunha and SinB started laughing.


While Eunha and I were running, she and I both bumped into people. Luckily I was able to stay standing but my bestie fell. I was gonna go help her but when I saw the person I bumped into. I was in awe. 

OOF!! You be looking like a full meal!!

He was so handsome. 

"Are you ok?? Did I hurt you?? I'm really sorry??" 

Woah, hold up!! That is a really DEEP voice!! You're low-key scaring me, sir... 

"Haha. Yeah, I'm fine. It was just a small bump. But did I hurt you anywhere?? I am a pretty heavy person." I told him. He started laughing it was so cute. 


You're no longer scary in my book... 

You a snack... 

"YOU... heavy?!! Please... You were as light as a feather. And don't worry about me. I'm fine."

"Haha ok," I told him. 

We walked towards our friends. He goes beside the guy Eunha bumped into. And I went beside Eunha. They introduced us to each other. 

So I bumped into V. And she bumped into Jungkook. 

They asked us what was our first period at the same time. Eunha and I started laughing. I told them that we both had music first period. They said that they did too. I was so excited. These boys looked like so much fun.


When they said that they had music first period also. I got so excited for some reason. They look like fun boys. 

We started to show each other our schedules and then I noticed something. 


"Hey look, we have the exact same schedules!! Haha. How funny is that??" V said. 

I was surprised by how DEEP his voice is. But I didn't mind. 

"Can we walk there with you guys since you guys are new to the school? We can show you guys around?" Jungkook asked while looking straight at me. 


Not gonna lie... but umm... 

I felt a bit flattered, "Sure!!" We walked all the way to our class. 


While we were walking we were talking about our ages and how they skipped a year because of how smart they are. I realized... they didn't know that we were the most popular guys at the school and that we were rich. Then... I realized that they might be put in danger. 

Tzuyu would probably do something to harm them. She thinks that I don't know what she did to Kei. She bullied Kei for a year straight because she thought that she was getting to close to me. That was until she found out that she was Yugyeom's little sister. That was when she stopped. 

But I'm worried about Eunha and SinB. I noticed how many girls were death glaring at them. I glared at them and quickly scared them off. I went back to my friends. 

I heard Eunha's laugh and I just couldn't help but smile. It was so cute yet dorky. 

I realized that Eunha and SinB are the only girls that are friends with us because of who we are, not because of our money. But for who we are. I hope that nothing bad will ever happen to them.

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