Chapter 6: WRITE A SONG?!! Pt.1

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We are now in the music class waiting for Mr. Yoongi. As I was about to talk to my bunny. I noticed that she was already talking to someone. Lay. I saw that he was flirting with her. I felt my blood boil. I saw that she was already annoyed. 

Haha too bad for him. My bunny can't stand him. Unlike him, she actually likes talking to me. I knew that I had to save her before she dies from boredom.

"Bunny can you help me with this note." When she turned to me she mouthed thank you. 

"Of course. Anything for my Kookie oppa."

Hahaha, he looks so mad. Serves him right for flirting with my cute bunny. 

"How come that ugly jerk can call you a nickname and I can't call you Cutie?!" He yelled. 

This is too funny to be true. 

"1st of all, he is not an ugly jerk. You are. 2nd of all, he's beautiful. 3rd of all, I actually like oppa. And 4th of all, he doesn't flirt with me with like if I am a prize to be won. Duh!! So Bah-bye." 

I can't hold it in anymore. I started to laugh HARD. He looked so offended. 

"Come on bunny, let's get to work." 

"Ne." As soon as we turned around, Mr. Yoongi walked into the room. 

Heh... Perfect timing. 

"Good morning class." 

"Good morning Mr. Yoongi." We all said. 

"Okay so today I have a special assignment for you and if you don't finish it today, then you will have to take home for homework. Arasseo?" 

"Ne." We all sound bored. But honestly who wouldn't get bored when it comes to homework?? 

"Ok, so you're assignment will be creating or writing your own song."

"WHAT?!" The whole class said at the same time. 

"Yes. This project will be due in 1 week. Any questions?" 

"Can it be a song that is already written?" I asked. 

Because I know this song that I really like. 

"Umm sure. As long as you turn it in." "Ok." 

Yes! Song here I come. 

"Any more questions? No? Ok. Now get started." 

I started to write my song. It was Big Bangs If You. I started to write the lyrics. But as we were working Mr. Yoongi said one more thing, 

"Oh! I almost forgot. You will be performing this song in front of the whole school. And my younger class will be performing." 

Oh ok. Wait what?! 



I saw that Bunny and B were in shock. 

They started to write their songs looking scared. I then focus back to my song. 

"She is leaving, and I can't do anything. Love is leaving, like a fool, i'm blankly standing here.

 I'm looking at her getting farther away. She becomes a small dot, then disappears. Will this go away after time passes? I remember the old times, I remember you.

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