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Everyone was getting ready for their big performance. 

The last students were V, SinB, Jungkook, and Eunha. They were the most nervous. Especially Eunha. She had to do 3 songs. One with SinB and 2 by herself. 

She was freaking out while Jungkook was making her feel better. 

SinB and V were busy talking about them, shipping them for every little thing they do. Being the little chismosos that they are. When the last student went up, it was V's turn. 


The last student before we went up. When she finished it was my turn with Kookie. 

Oh my god. I'm next... I'm next...




"And now we have Jungkook and V." Mr. Yoongi said through the microphone. 

"You're going to do great Taetae. Let's go." Kookie said. 

"What did I do to deserve a great friend like you Kookie??" 

"Simple. You were my first best friend. You were always there for me." 

We gave each other a hug and walked up onto the stage. We stood in our places and the music began. 


I miss you. Saying this makes me miss you even more. I miss you even though I'm looking at your photo. Time is so cruel. I hate this trying to see you once never worked out one where do we find the chance. It's all winter here even in August. With my heart, I walk alone across time. This train is a snowpiercer. Wanna get to the other side of the earth holding your hand. Wanna put an end to this winter. How much should I long for you and pray for spring to come forth Friend?


Like little specks of dust, floating round in the air, floating round in the air. Will I get to you a little faster if I was snow in the air??


Snowflakes, fall down, and get away, little by little. I miss you.

V (Background):

I miss you.


I miss you.

V :

(Background) I miss you.

And how long do I have to wait? How many sleepless nights do I have to take? To finally see you? To meet you? 


To see you.


To meet you.


Passing by the edge of this winter, until the days of the spring. When spring comes and flowers bloom, just stay until then. Please stay, and wait a little more. 

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