Chapter 21: Plans

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A/N: Hi guys, I'm back. I know that I said I wouldn't be able to update, but I really missed updating this story, I love you guys all. I am extremely thankful and grateful to all of my readers. I never thought that this story would get more than 700 readers. I thought that it would only go up to 10. Thank you very much!! I am sobbing right now because I never thought that people would enjoy my story. Personally, at first, I thought that this story was boring and so I had thought of actually taking it down. But I saw how my cousin and sister enjoyed it, and all of you guys enjoyed it. So I decided to keep it up. It's you guys who have kept me motivated to keep writing this story. Now I have a question for all of you. Would you guys like it if I made the second book to this story? Or to make it all into a really long story where it was a whole mess of chapters? I've been stressing out about this actually. I am literally almost done my homework. I just need to finish half of my last book and then I'm done with summer homework. Ok enough of the jiba jaba. Let's get into this chapter.

Wednesday, July 8th

Eunha's Pov:

SinB and I are currently at Mr. Yoongi's desk waiting for him to be done with his work so that we can ask about the song we wrote. 

"Ok. Now what did you 2 want again??" he asked. 

"Oh um, we wanted to know if Unnie and I could perform a song we wrote when we were in middle school," SinB said. 

"Ooo let me see the song," he said excitedly. 

She then handed him the song. As he looked at it, I felt my heart racing. 

Please accept it, please accept it. 

We were holding hands. I could tell that we were thinking the same thing. He looked up. 

"Well, what'd you think?" I asked full of anxiety. 

He then smiled. "It's amazing. How did middle school kids right this kind of song?? You 2 are the most outstanding students in this class." he paused and leaned in to whisper into our ears. 

"Don't tell anyone but you 2 are my favorite students." when he leaned back, 

"Thank you Mr. Yoongi," we said at the same time. 

"But there is one thing," he said. 

We then looked at him again. 

"Eunha are you going to be ok with performing 4 songs??" he asked. 

I looked at SinB and gave me a nod. "Yes, Mr. Yoongi. I know that my throat will kill me the day after, but I am ok with that." I told him. 

"Alright then," he said. 

We then walked happily to our seats. Only SinB knew about me performing all those songs. I wanted it to be a surprise for V oppa and Kookie oppa. 

"Hey, unnie do you see how they're whispering??" SinB said. 

I looked over at our table. I saw that V oppa and Jungkook were whispering to each other. 

"That's weird. They never acted like that." I told her. 

"I know," she said. When we got near them they stopped whispering. "Hey, what's going on?" SinB said. 

"Nothing why?" Tae said. 

"You guys were whispering to each other," I said. 

"So... what's wrong with that?" Kookie said.

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