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As soon as Emily realised how warm it was, she ran back inside to get changed.

Emily was sipping on her Starbucks while the boys started singing. They did a mash up of a couple songs and people started to gather around.

"We should do a YouNow," Corbyn suggested after they were done showing off their amazing voices.

Jack took out his phone and started the live video.

"Hey guys, so I'm just sitting out here, in the Grove with Corbyn, Jonah, Daniel, Zach and oh yeah, Emily Paul," Jack pointed his phone at Emily. She smiled and gave a little wave.

"Let's go down to Venice Beach. Please, please, please," Emily started to jump up and down, pulling on the sleeve of Jack's shirt.


Emily fist pumped the air in celebration.
"Btw, I'm very lazy, so someone's gonna have to carry me," Emily pointed out, looking at the five boys.

"Fine, come on," Jack crouched down a bit so Emily could get on. "Someone needs to take over the YouNow though," Daniel took Jack's phone and started walking away.

Emily hopped onto Jack's back and he grabbed onto her legs. They started walking towards the beach.

"This is nice," Emily whispered into Jack's ear.

"Yeah, for you. Your so heavy," Jack complained, a little out of breath.

Emily rolled her eyes. "Ha, Ha. Nice try. Jake and Logan and well everyone always tell me how unheavy I am,"

"Well, I'm weak so,"

Emily started laughing with her 'donkey laugh' "You? weak? Liar," Emily put her hands to Jack's biceps, "Yeah, you're a liar. I mean look at these,"

Jack laughed a little.

"Their flirting!" Corbyn ran around shouting.

"Shut up," Emily and Jack both said in unison.

Soon enough they got to the beach. Jack set Emily down and sat down on the ground 'out of breath'.

"Okay guys, how about ten questions? I ask you ten and you guys ask me ten. It might let all those people watching know more about us," Emily suggested. She sat down next to Jack while Corbyn, Jonah, Zach and Daniel sat down around them.

"Okay. We'll go first," Jonah started off.

"Okay, what age are you?"

"Sixteen, gonna be seventeen on April ninth,"

"So your birthdays soon," Zach pointed out.

"Are you single?" Jack asked. Everyone looked at him surprised, but Emily was most surprised.

"Yes. One hundred percent,"

"Who is your best friend?"

"Obviously Daniel," Emily laughed, wrapping her arms around Daniel.

"Awe, I feel the exact same," Daniel said, hugging back.

"Okay, who is your celebrity best friend?" Jonah asked. Everyone 'oohed'

"Dude," Daniel complained.

"Okay okay, I understand. Probably Tessa Brooks,"

"Which is your favourite brother, Logan or Jake?" this question made Emily laugh a little nervously.

"I dunno. Probably Logan cause he isn't always trying to prank me,"

"What's your hobby?"

"Photography and dance,"

"Who was your first kiss?" another one about the love life from Jack.

"His name was Cameron. He was like my biggest crush then one day, when we were twelve, out of the blue he just asked me to kiss him. It lasted literally like five seconds,"

"Any weird habits?"

"I bite my lip when I'm nervous or bored, and I also stick my tongue out when I'm concentrating really hard. Logan always threatens me with a scissors saying he'll cut it off if I don't put it back in my mouth," Everyone had a little laugh then returned back to the questions.

"Do you ever miss Ohio?"

"Sometimes. I love LA so much and being with my brothers makes it feel a bit like home, of course without my parents it's weird. They're here most of the time though so it's fine,"

"Why aren't you in school? Aren't you only sixteen?"

"Oh, I graduated early, mainly because I was leaving for LA,"

That was the end of Emily's questions, so they moved onto her asking the boys.

"First of all, how old are you all?"

Everyone told her there ages. She found out Jonah is the oldest and Zach is the youngest.

"So your the baby of the group?" Emily asked with a small smile on her lips.

"You're the same age as me," Zach complained.

"Your wrong and right. Remember I'll be seventeen in a couple weeks,"

Emily found out that Jack is the second oldest of four children and he is the only boy. She also found out that Corbyn has a girlfriend called Christina and she has a YouTube channel. Emily made a mental note to check it out.

Emily also found out that Daniel was on American Idol about three years ago but he didn't win, Jonah has two sisters and Zach is from Texas and has a younger brother and sister.

Emily was pretty sure everyone had forgotten about the YouNow they were doing. It wasn't until they stood up to leave that Jack noticed.

"Crap, sorry forgot about you guys. But it's nice to see that you still watched. Thank you all so much and I think it's time to end this live video, bye," Jack turned off his phone and joined the group that had walked a little up ahead.

Emily was so tired. She hated being tired the whole time. Jack decided to be conveniently placed beside Emily, so she wrapped her arms around his waist and leaned as much of her weight on him as possible.

Jack didn't mind one bit and continued walking. Although the position was awkward for Emily because she had to lean down a bit, she didn't care. Jack wrapped his arms around her shoulders and they both completely ignored the taunts they were getting from the boys.

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