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Emily sat in the back of the car, her legs stretched across Brendan's lap, who was trying to film Logan talking.

"-and little miss sulky pants over here won't get off her phone," Logan pointed out while Brendan zoomed in on Emily who had headphones in and didn't hear one thing he said.

"Leave her alone Logan, she's missing her boyfriend," Bailey joked, lightly slapping Logan across the back of the head.

"Well then I guess this is a good time to talk about later," Logan sighed, rubbing the back of his head.

"Later? I thought we were just going back to the hotel to sleep," Evan complained.

"No, we're going to see the boys perform. We've been planning it since the dates were released. Jack and Emily are the only two not in on it," Logan started to get excited, squirming around in his seat. He couldn't wait until his sister was back to normal and out of this mood.

Emily scrolled through the countless videos of the boys performing at the few concerts they've done so far and the meet and greets. Everytime Emily saw a picture of Jack kissing the cheek of a girl or holding  her close, she felt a knot of jealousy in her stomach, not because he was kissing other girls, but because those girls got to see him.

Emily felt the engine of the car turn off so she sat up and looked out the window, except she didn't see the hotel. Instead there was a thumping noise like music that was too loud and there was a big bright sign.


"No way," Emily breathed, turning back to her brother who held a backstage pass in his hand.

Emily didn't even hesitate. She grabbed the laminated card and practically ran out of the car. She was going to see him, she was actually going to see him. It had only been a couple of days, but those couple of days felt agonising when you thought it was going to be a month until you saw eachother again.

After showing her pass to multiple security guards, Emily came to a flight of stairs. She had already passed the boys dressing room and felt a bubble of excitement at the thought of seeing them again.

"Eben?" Emily wrapped her arms around the tall boys shoulders.

"Emily, you're here!" he laughed, giving her a tight squeeze.

Out of the corner of her eye, Emily spotted someone coming off of the stage. "August!" Emily attacked August in a hug, almost knocking him over.

"Whoa, hey,"

"Don't kill the poor boy," Bailey said, coming up the stairs, a bit out of breath.

The song the boys were singing ended and they started the next one which was Runner.

"Do you want to go out?" Eben asked.

Emily nodded, handing her phone over to Logan just incase it fell out of her pocket.

There he was, singing as elegantly as he always did. Emily took a deep breath and stepped out on the stage. The crowd grew louder but she quickly tried to shush them.

The boys were sitting on stools which made it easier for Emily to walk up beside them.

At first Jack thought it was August or Eben messing, as he felt two arms wrap around his neck. But there was something about these arms, they were smaller.

Curiosity took Jack over and he turned his head around to see those gorgeous blue eyes.

It was too loud to say anything, so Jack just pulled Emily into a bone crushing hug. The crowd got way louder as the pair embraced, afraid to let go just incase it was just a dream.

"W-what are you doing here?," Jack stuttered out, yelling just so Emily could hear over the screaming fans.

"To see you, you dope," Emily laughed, tears in her eyes. "Now finish your set and we can talk later,"

And that's what they did, and they did it well. Logan joined them at the end to sing Help Me Help You and The Fall of Jake Paul.

"Oh god that was amazing," Logan said, excitedly coming off the stage.


The boys all looked at one another, mischevious grins plastered on all their faces.

"I swear to God if you-" the boys ignored what Emily had to say and rushed back onto stage to finish the song. "Jake's gonna be so pissed,"


"-And then he let me put lipstick on him," Aspen laughed, showing Emily the photos she had taken of Jack.

"Oh God, he looks amazing,"

Aspen finished showing the pictures and placed her phone down beside her on the seat. "So, are you going to join us for the rest of the tour?"

Emily shrugged. She hadn't actually thought about it yet. "I hope so, I mean this is a huge part of Jack's life that I want to be apart of,"

The girls continued talking about everything and anything while they waited for the boys to finish talking to their families.

"Hey Em, could you come over here?" Logan called across the bus.

Emily walked past all the families, talking with their sons about how amazing they did.

"So, we were talking to David, the boys' manager and he said you could stay with the boys for the rest of the tour,"

Emily looked at her brother, her jaw dropping to the ground. "Are you serious! Logan thank you so much!"

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