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The boys had just loaded into the Uber when Jack's phone started to ring. When he saw the called ID was Emily he started to freak out a little bit, afraid something had happened.

"Hey, is everything okay?"

"Yeah I just wanted to ring you on my way home. Did you-" Emily never finished her sentence. There was an awful sound like glass breaking and a scream

"Emily!" Jack called into the phone. There was no reply so he hung up and called twice more, each time it went to voice mail.

"Jack, what's wrong?" Daniel asked, shaking Jack's shoulder.

"I-it was Emily. I think she's been in a crash," Jack whispered.

The Uber driver had pulled over, knowing he'd probably get new directions in a minute.

Daniel knew Jack wouldn't be able to process anything at the minute so he gave Logan's address to the driver.

And sure enough, on the highway there was the over turned purple car. Jack didn't even wait for the car to fully stop before he jumped out. Then he stopped because hanging out of the car was a hand, a hand with nails painted the same colour as the blue of Emily's.

This just pushed Jack to move faster. When he got to the car, he looked in the broken windshield window. There she was, lying emotionless, the only movement the slight rise and fall of her chest as she breathed.

Jack knew he shouldn't of, but based off every movie and TV show he had seen, when a car crashed or over turned like this, it would blow up, so Jack undid the seat belt and pulled Emily out.

He picked Emily up and quickly crossed the road, surprised there was little or no traffic. He laid her down in the grass and that's when he noticed the awful cut on Emily's head and the way her ankle was twisted in the worst way.

"Did someone call an ambulance?" Jack shouted and Daniel nodded.

Soon enough the distant sound of the ambulance sirens filled the air. Jack was holding Emily, constantly checking to make sure she was breathing.

But the ambulance was still too far away, Jack was shaking and he was in too much shock to feel any sort of emotion at the moment. Emily started to move slightly, and Jack had the smallest jump of hope that maybe she would wakeup, but she didn't.

Emily was numb. She couldn't feel a thing, and what made it worse was she couldn't even open her eyes. Emily was also just barely aware of someone holding onto her.

When the ambulance arrived, Jack was reluctant at first to let go of Emily but he paramedic had finally gotten her up and on a stretcher.

"You go with her Jack, we'll follow behind," Daniel said to Jack.

Jack followed Emily into the back of the ambulance. The boys didn't waste anytime climbing back into the Uber and telling him to drive to the hospital.

"Okay, Corbyn you call Logan, tell him what happened and tell him to tell Jake and his parents," Daniel said, turning around in the passenger seat of the car.
Corbyn did as he was told and pulled out his phone.

They arrived at the hospital about fifteen minutes later and as they pulled up, Logan did too in Emily's new car.

"What happened?" Logan asked, as the group burst through the doors of he hospital looking for Jack.

"We don't know. Emily called Jack but then he started freaking out, we started driving to your house and on he way we saw the car overturned," Jonah explained.

They found the front desk and asked about Emily. The woman there directed the boys to a waiting room. When they got in, Jack was sitting in one of the chairs, his head in his hands.

"What's happened?" Logan asked shakily.

"I'm not really sure. They brought her into surgery and said something about internal bleeding," Jack said, lifting his head. As soon as Emily had disappeared behind the doors, the shock hit and Jack just broke down.


Two hours had passed and nothing. Jack, Pam and Greg had arrived and Pam was a mess. Logan had his arms wrapped around her as she cried into his chest.

Then the doctor walked in, making everyone jump.

"Emily Paul?" everyone nodded signalling for the doctor to continue. "The surgery was a success. We stopped the bleed and managed to stabilise her. Emily was very lucky to get away with a concussion and a shattered ankle,"

"Wait, shattered ankle? That means she can't dance," Pam said, breaking away from Logan.

"I'm afraid not. After Emily is discharged she will be on crutches and she will be allowed to put pressure on the ankle, but anything like dancing is out of the question,"

Jack felt his heart break a little in his chest. He knew how much dancing meant to Emily and if she couldn't do that, where would she be then.

"Can we go see her?" Greg asked.

"Of course,"

Jack let Logan, Jake and their parents go first but Jake came back in, "are you coming?" he asked Jack in a duh tone.


The group walked to the small room a little bit down the hall. Jack had prepared himself for what he was about to see, but actually seeing her still made Jack's stomach ache.

Emily was laying in the bed, her leg propped up on a pillow. She was so pale and lifeless looking. The only thing reassuring everyone she was alive was the beeping of the machines and the rise and fall of her chest.

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