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"So, what's on the agenda?" Emily asked, swinging her and Jack's hands between them.

"Well, I don't know about you, but I'm starving. So I guess we're going to get food then maybe we could go back to the house or something," Jack explained, shrugging his shoulders.

Emily smiled and gave Jack a kiss on the cheek, making him  slightly blush. Emily laughed. She stopped and turned to Jack. She placed both her hands on his cheeks and connected her lips with his.

The kiss seemed to linger on, the sounds of the busy city around then fading away. Emily pulled away, smiling. Jack's cheeks had turned a darker shade of red and he buried his head into the crook of Emily's neck as we wrapped his arms around her waist. Emily wrapped her arms around his neck as the two just swayed back and forth.

It was little actions like this which made Emily feel special. She kissed the top of Jack's head. He lifted it, the blush on his cheeks gone.

"Ready to get food?"


The couple sat facing eachother in the small café which was tucked nicely at the end of a street, the sounds of the city barely audible as different people sat at tables typing on computers or having quite, private chats.

Emily and Jack were part of the second category. They were talking about the most random things, from creative things fans had posted to the tour which was coming up in just a few months.

"Do you remember Neels? Do you know part of Team 10?" Emily asked, twirling the straw around her cup.

Jack just nodded, taking another bite from his sandwich. "What about him?"

"Well, I was talking to him a little while ago. What do you think Jake will say?"

Jack put down his sandwich and thought for a bit. "I'm not sure. I think he might be a bit angry,"

Emily couldn't drop the subject. Jack looked like he really didn't want to talk about Neels and Emily decided maybe it might be best.

"Wanna go back to the house?"

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