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"Do you have to go?" Isla whined, as the group of five sat outside a donut shop in the airport.

"Yes we do. Emily has to go back to her brothers and I have to sort out stuff for tour," Jack smiled sadly.

Emily could tell he was upset about leaving his family. She could hear it in the way he spoke, as if he was trying to hold back tears.

Isla started pouting and leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms. Jack grabbed a tissue from his mom and leaned across the table and started wiping away the chocolate that that had been left on Isla's face from the chocolate donut she just ate.

This seemed to cheer Isla up because she started smiling again.

A lot had happened since Emily fell asleep last night. Her brothers, Jake and Logan released two songs; 'Rise of the Pauls' and 'I Love You Big Bro'.
Emily had called them as soon as she watched the videos and was almost in tears after their repeated apologies.

Daniel also graduated and Emily felt like a proud mother. Apparently Raya was able to fly to Vancouver, and she surprised Daniel.

Corbear🐻: LA, I'M ON MY WAY!
Me👑: me and jack are still sitting in the airport
Zachy: I must have left too early because my flight will be landing in about twenty minutes.
Daniel: DAMN, I haven't even left my house yet.

"Why are you smiling at your phone?" Jack laughed, leaning his head against Emily's and looking over at her phone screen.

"The boys," she smiled, switching off her phone and returning her attention back to the conversation.


"No, no, no, no, no," Jack panted, as him and Emily came to a stop outside gate number four for their flight back to LA.

Somehow the plane got delayed, so Jack and Emily ended up being late for their connecting flight.

Jack sighed and sat down on one of the chairs. The next flight wasn't for another three hours.

Emily placed her suitcase by her chair and sat next to Jack. She hadn't slept on the flight and was absolutely wrecked. She placed her head on Jack's lap and closed her eyes, sleep already pulling her away.

"My baby sister is hooommee," Logan yelled into his vlogging camera as Emily and Jack came through the terminal gates.

Emily just rolled her eyes and gave her big brother a small side hug. After Logan finally released Emily, Jack came over.

"I better go home. The guys have all ready started practising,"

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow for Jonah's birthday," Emily gave Jack a small kiss and followed Logan out to the plum car.


"-and his sister is the most adorable thing ever," Emily turned over on to her back, her head dangling off the bed.

"Okay, so this thirty minute conversation was just to come to the conclusion Jack has an adorable little sister?" Neels asked, a small bit of fake annoyance in his tone.

The truth was, Neels didn't care if Emily went on for three hours about how to apply fake nails. As long as he could hear her voice, just like old times.

"Anyway, enough about me, how are you?"

Neels took a long dramatic sigh. "Cindy went to New York yesterday, but I'm in London,"

"Wait, it's like four am over there," Emily attempted to sit up in shock- even though Neels wasn't even there- and ended up falling off the bed.

"I don't care. I wouldn't have slept anyway,"


"Emily, if you don't get up I'm leaving without you!"

Emily groaned and somehow managed to climb out of her bed. She brushed her teeth and got changed and followed Logan, Brendan and Ayla out to the car. The only positive about this day was Jonah's party later.

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