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Logan came out of his room wearing a pair of jeans and a black top. "Is this okay?" Logan asked, twirling around. This was the ninth outfit he had tried on and Emily was finally satisfied.

"Good. Girls like it when you dress casual for dates but still try,"

"Wow, look who's miss knowledge," Logan joked. He ran into his room and came back out with his camera. "Hold this for a sec,"

Emily took the camera and pointed it at Logan. He did a little dance and a few twirls before taking back the camera.

"What was that about?" Emily laughed.

"I dunno. When I'm editing I'll do something with it," Logan shrugged his shoulders and went to drop his camera back off in his room.

The doorbell rang so Emily hopped up off of her seat on the arm of the couch to answer the door. There stood Bailey, her blonde hair hanging over one shoulder. She was wearing denim jeans and a white crop top and had a small handbag over one shoulder.

"Hey Emily," Bailey smiled, giving Emily a quick hug.

"You look so pretty, and Logan will be out in a minute," Emily brought Bailey into the sitting room. They sat on the couch and talked about everything and anything, until Logan appeared from his room.

He had changed his black shirt into a blue one with Maverick on the front. Emily rolled her eyes. Of course he would ruin a perfectly good outfit.

"Now, time to leave," Emily grabbed Bailey's hand and placed it in Logan's. Neither seemed to mind as they walked out the door, both giving Emily a smile before they disappeared around the corner.


It had started to rain, of course. Luckily Logan and Bailey were going to a movie then dinner so they were pretty much fine.

Emily had nothing better to do that night so ended up sitting in her room watching some of her favourite movies.

Within minutes, the rain had turned to a full blown storm with thunder and lightning. Logan had texted Emily to make sure everything was okay. And Emily, being the good sister she was, texted to say she was fine.

But she wasn't fine.

Emily was sitting curled up on her bed, waiting for that one reply that would never come.


Me👑: Jack?
Me👑: Jack?
Me👑: Jack pls answer!!
Me👑: seriously pick up your phone!
Me👑: Jack pls, I think I'm gonna cry!!
Me👑: I swear to god if you don't answer I'm gonna kill you next time I see you!!!


Emily gave up and went to the groupchat.


Me👑: guys, do you know where Jack is?
Daniel🚀: he's up in his room sleeping, why?
Me👑: of course. Just tell him to answer my texts pls.
Daniel🚀: will do
Me👑: Thank you❤



Jack❤: I am so so sorry. I was really tired and just sort of passed out.
Me👑: It's fine. I was actually worried something had happened.
Jack❤: is that why you were about to cry?
Me👑: no, it's the storm. I'm literally curled up under my blanket trying so hard not to cry.
Jack❤: do you want me to come over?
Me👑: what! no you don't have to do that.
Jack❤: if your scared then I'm coming.
Jack❤: there I've gotten an Uber.
Jack❤: I'm pulling up to the apartment building.
Jack❤: I'm waiting at the door in the pouring rain.

opened 8:26pm


Emily managed to peel herself from the bed and made her way downs to the lobby. When she got to the door Jack was standing on the other side, thankfully in shelter.

"Finally!" he said when he got inside.

"I could have just left you outside," Emily smacked Jack in the chest. She noticed the water droplets hanging from his hair and clothes. Emily started blushing and looked away.

A sudden clap of hinder followed by a flash of light made Emily jump. She buried her head into Jack's chest. She almost started crying again, but tried her best to not.

"Come on, let's go upstairs," Jack took hold of Emily's hand and together they walked over to the elevator.

The Directors Little Sister ✔ J.A.Where stories live. Discover now