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The Uber pulled up at the beautiful house over looking LA.

Ayla, Brendan, Logan, Emily and Bailey ended up piling into the car and going to a recording studio because Logan insisted on writing a diss track against Jake.

Emily, being the good little sister she was, tried to convince Logan not to, but he wouldn't hear any of it. They had only managed to get the tune done, so Logan had started writing lyrics in the car, and multiple times he tried to say them out loud, but Emily started shouting, which caused the Uber driver to grunt in annoyance.

The group of five were going to the Why Don't We house because Logan was gonna ask them if they wanted to be in the video, but everyone knew they were obviously gonna agree.

Logan was first in the house, but he stopped making Emily bump into him. She peaked around Logan to see the boys standing side by side, serious looks on all their faces.

"Did you hear the song?"

"We saw the video," Zach said.

"Did you hear he called you a Walmart One Direction?" Emily asked, smiling a small bit.
She thought they were acting strange.

"Yeah, but I mean at least we can sell out shows," Jonah shot back, making everyone ooh.

"Yeah Jakey, remember that Team 10 tour you did last year but you couldn't sell any tickets,"

Emily smacked Logan's chest, rolling her eyes at his childish behaviour.
Emily decided to let them discuss what ever, so she went into the kitchen where Alayna and Eben were talking.

"Hey!" Emily gave Eben a small hug, then one to Alayna.

"So, what's going on out there?" Eben asked, nodding his head towards the door.

"Logan's writing a diss track against Jake, blah blah blah. You know the usual Paul Brothers drama," Emily explained, pulling herself up onto the counter.

Eben rolled his eyes dramatically and grabbed a drink from the fridge and went outside.

Emily and Alayna talked for a few minutes until Jack came in. Alayna gave a wink to Emily before slipping outside to Eben.

"I literally saw you like six hours ago," Jack joked, coming to stand inbetween Emily's legs.

"I know, but it's this whole stupid rivalry thing. Your not actually gonna take part in the diss track are you?" Emily asked, wrapping her arms around Jack's neck. She started lightly stroking the back of his head.

"Yeah we are. In fact we're going into the 'booth' to record in a few minutes," Jack sighed, placing one of his hands on Emily's thigh and the other took hold of one of her hands.

"Okay, but just go easy okay," Emily smiled and leaned down, connecting her lips with Jack's.

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