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| Three Days Later |

There was a light knock on Emily's door, then Logan stepped in. Emily quickly picked up the notebook she was writing in and used it to shield her face, afraid Logan was gonna throw something at her.

"Can I come in?" Logan asked nervously, coming to sit on the edge of the bed.

Emily hesitantly nodded, fearing the worst. What if Logan found out about the events that had occurred just a few days ago. If he did, then Emily was in for it.

"So, we need to go to the park for a few minutes and I need you not to ask any questions until we get there, okay?"

Emily internally sighed in relief. So he didn't know. "But Logan, we've been out all day,"

It was true. The Why Don't We boys were busy with rehearsals so Emily had nothing to do, so Logan had dragged her to the Grove and they ended up spending the day shopping.

"Please Emily, it's really important,"

Emily groaned and stood up from the bed, slipping on a pair of shoes and grabbed her phone. The sun would be setting in a while and it would be getting cold, so Emily grabbed a jacket too and followed Logan out of the apartment.

"Oh and bring your camera,"


They arrived at the park a few minutes later. The sun was just starting to set and it looked gorgeous against the small hill.

On top of that small hill, Emily could make out nine figures and some fairy lights.

"Logan, what is this?"

Logan took a deep breath. "I'm gonna propose to Bailey,"

Emily started clapping eagerly and squealing. "This is officially the best day ever,"

"Calm down okay. Bailey's friend Clara will bring her here and then, well I guess I'm gonna propose,"

As they got to the top Emily saw the boys, Raya, Emma, Jade and Christina.


Emily started running and jumped into Christina's arms, taking her off guard.

"Oh my god. Christina!" Emily yelled, wrapping her arms around Christina's neck.

"It's so nice to see your full body instead of just on a computer screen,"

"Wait, when did you get here?" Emily asked, pulling away from Christina and looking her in the eyes.

"This morning, but because the boys had practice I ended up spending the day in Corbyn's room,"

"You could have called me! I would have gladly showed you around L.A."

"No, no. I wanted to wait until tonight to make it a big surprise,"

"She's here!" Logan called, starting to get panicky.

Emily let go of Christina and stood infront if Logan. "Don't worry. She is going to say yes,"

Logan sighed and gave Emily a kiss on the top of her head. He then went to stand infront of the boys who were lined up, ready to start singing.

Emily stood beside Jack. He was wearing his glasses which Emily thought was the cutest thing she had ever seen.

Then Bailey appeared, and the boys started singing 'Can't Help Falling In Love With You' by Elvis Presley.

"Where am I Clara?" Bailey asked nervously, just before Clara untied the bandana so Bailey could see everything.

Bailey's hands came up to her face as tears filled her eyes. The sight before her made so much happiness grow inside her, there was no words to describe it.

Bailey looked over to the boys singing then to Emily who gave her a quick wink, then her eyes landed on Logan.
He stood out a little bit. He came to stand in front of Bailey and took her two small hands in his.

"You did all this?"

"Yeah I mean the band was pretty expensive, but hey, anything for you my love,"

Bailey laughed a small bit. Logan took a shaky breath before continuing.

"Bailey, I have known you for almost ten years now, and each second of those ten years have been the best of my life. You make me smile and laugh, you convince me that I am more than just a choch from Ohio. You believed in me when I first started Vine and then when I started YouTube you supported me even more.
When I moved to L.A. away from you, it broke my heart, but you came after me and when I saw you sitting in that Starbucks I knew that I had fallen in love with you," Logan got down on one knee, pulling a velvet box from his back pocket. "Will you marry me?"

"Yes, yes yes a million billion times yes," Bailey cried, jumping into Logan's arms crying. He was also crying a small bit, along with every other female and Corbyn.


Emily lay in the grass looking up at the stars, her head resting on Jack's chest while his hand was around her waist.

"Do you regret it?" Jack had asked out of nowhere.


"You know. That thing we did the other night,"

"No, why? Are you?" Emily asked, sitting up to look Jack in the eyes. He was still wearing his glasses and looked so freaking adorable.

"No, no, no. Just sometimes girls tend to regret doing it because they hadn't done it with 'the one',"

"Jack, there is no one else who I'd rather to have taken such a big part of me," Emily confessed, placing one of her hands against his cheek.

"Me too," he whispered, but Emily caught on.

"Wait, what! You never had sex before me?" Emily yelled, maybe a little too loudly. She quickly turned to see if anyone heard, but luckily no one did.

"Sshh. Your so loud," Jack laughed nervously, obviously trying to change the subject.

But Emily wasn't gonna forget this, but for now Jack looked like he didn't want to talk about it so Emily dropped it. She pulled out her camera to look at the photos she had just taken of the proposal and the boys singing.

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