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The sun was shining, birds chirping and the only other noise was the soft hum of the skateboard wheels going over the path.

Jack was a little ahead of Isla and Emily, but that was because he was actually good. Emily was holding on tightly to Isla's hand as she moved along.

Isla nearly fell off the skateboard as the small wheels went over a bump, but it didn't seem to faze her as she moved along with determination.

"Come on, there's somewhere I wanna show you," Jack was now carrying his skateboard and he had dropped back a small bit so he could walk next to Emily.

A few minutes later they arrived at a small skate park with a little sheltered shed. Jack looked at it in a small bit of awe, while Isla just dragged her skateboard along the ground into the shed.

"Could you record me doing a few tricks for snapchat?" Jack asked, reaching into his back pocket for his phone.


Emily sat down and Isla came over and plopped right down on her lap. Jack moved around slowly and was about to do a trick when Emily turned the camera on the phone around and started to take selfies with Isla to post on Jack's snapchat instead.

"Did you get it?" Jack asked, picking up his skateboard.

Emily nodded and gave a sly sideways glance to Isla.

"Hey, this is just-"

"Run!" Emily yelled, grabbing onto Isla's hand and beginning to run away, but Jack had caught her before she could get far. He dragged her back to him, her chest slamming into his own.

Jack lightly traced his thumb along Emily's bottom lip before slowly leaning down and kissing her. Emily could feel herself slowly getting lost in the kiss, but something started clawing at her leg. She pulled away from Jack and looked down to see Isla squished in between them.


Jack walked out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist. Emily found her eyes slowly trailing down his body.

"Like what ya see?" Jack smiled, grabbing a spare change of clothes from his closet.

Emily blushed and threw a pillow at Jack. He just stuck his tongue out and quickly hurried into the bathroom before Emily grabbed anymore ammunition.

"Emily could you do my hair," a little voice asked from the door.

Emily looked up to see Isla, both her hands behind her back fiddling with something. It amazed Emily how adorable this girl was.

"Of course,"

Isla ran across the room and grabbed Emily's hand and dragged her out the door into the bathroom across the hall.

Emily put her hands onto Isla's waist and pulled her up onto the counter. She carefully parted Isla's hair and began plaiting it.

Emily kept looking into the mirror at the adorable little girl who had a huge toothy grin on her face. Emily tied off the end of the last French Plait and wrapped her arms around Isla's waist and placed her chin on her shoulder.

"You look beautiful," Emily smiled, picking Isla back up and placing her back on the ground.

Emily looked down at the PJ's she was wearing; short sleeved white shirt with a unicorn on the front and a pair of pink woolly pants. Isla was wearing an identical outfit which she had bought with her mother that day.

Isla held on tightly to Emily's hand as they made their way out of the bathroom and out into the hall. Ava was coming out of her room, wearing the exact same outfit as Isla and Emily.

It had taken a lot to persuade Isla into not buying a matching PJ's for Jack, but Emily still would have loved to see him in it.

Jack opened the door to his room and came out, and when his eyes landed on three of the most important girls in his life, a huge grin appeared on his face.

"You guys look amazing," Jack said sarcastically, silently thanking God for his mothers amazing persuasion skills.

Kristin and Sydnie were getting ready to go out, so Jack and Emily were babysitting.

"So, what do you want to watch?" Emily asked, kneeling down in front of the large selection of DVDs.

"How about-" Ava started, but Isla quickly cut her off.


Emily laughed and pulled out the DVD. She put it into the TV and sat back on the couch with Jack.

"Greatest movie of the century," Emily said, playing the movie.


"Let it go, Let it go. Can't hold it back anymore-" Jack and Isla sang together from their spots on the couch.

Throughout the whole movie, Jack and Isla had been able to sing along to every song in the movie. Emily loved watching and laughing and maybe making the odd Snapchat video here and there.


Emily threw a leg across Jack's lap, trying to get more comfortable. The movie was almost over and everyone was starting to get tired.

Out of the corner of her eye, Emily saw Isla's head tip to the side before hitting the arm of the couch.

"I better bring her up to bed," Jack said, going to stand up, but Emily pushed him back down and offered to do it instead.

Emily picked Isla up and carried her up to her room, making sure not to hit Isla's head off any walls.

Isla's room was decorated like any children's room; lots of pink, teddy bears, dolls and a small little desk with a colouring book on it and colours scattered everywhere. Her bed was against one wall, a beautiful pink duvet spread out across it.

Emily laid Isla down on the bed and tucked her in, giving her a light kiss on the forehead.

"Read me a bedtime story?" Isla asked, not even opening her eyes.

"Okay," Emily pulled up a beanbag and grabbed the book that was on the nightstand. "Once Upon a Time....."


The credits began rolling for Frozen and Emily still hadn't come down from putting Isla to bed.

Jack said goodnight to his younger sister and made his own way upstairs. He gave a quick peek into Isla's room only to see Emily sound asleep, her head resting against her hand which was on top of a book.

Jack smiled and went over to the side of the bed. As gently as he could, Jack picked Emily up into his arms and began carrying her into his room.

As he carried her through, she began to move a small bit. Jack laid her down in the bed and got in beside her.

"Good night my love,"

The Directors Little Sister ✔ J.A.Where stories live. Discover now