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N.V: I really hope the plane doesn't crash😉
Me👑: oh yeah cause that's so reassuring😪
N.V: listen to me, no mid-flight panic attacks, okay?
Me👑: okay, dad
N.V: hey, there's only one person whose gonna be calling daddy
Me👑: Cindy
N.V: wtf no. My future child
Me👑: but Cindy doesn't want children????
N.V: who says I'll even be with Cindy?
Me👑: duuddee, watch what you say, your lucky she isn't a clingy girlfriend and doesn't check your messages.
N.V: yeah, that was pretty insensitive.
N.V: anywhooo, enjoy your long ass flight and see you hopefully in a few days.
Me👑: bye, luv u😁

Emily put her head back against the headrest on her seat. She looked out over Los Angeles and closed her eyes ready for a long sleep, but her phone buzzed.

Jack❤️: man it feels good to be home.
Corbs😝: same, and Christina says hi.
Zachy🐵: Reese and Ryan really wanted to meet Emma, but she can't come😫
Me👑: awe Zach, poor heart broken baby.
DaniBoy🍫: well, Raya is all the way in Minnesota so....
Jonah🍌: dude, I'm not supposed to tell you this but she's hoping to surprise you.
Jack❤️: EMILYYYY!!!!!!
Jack❤️: it's not Jack😈
Corbs😝: then who is it?
Jack❤️: Ava and Isla
Me👑: how did you get Jack's phone?😂 it's practically glued to his hand.
You changed a contact name Ava&Isla😈
Ava&Isla😈: he's playing basketball outside with his friends and left his phone inside.
Zachy🐵: noo! Clear the search history!!
Me👑: Zach! Don't say that, your supposed to be the innocent one.
Jonah🍌: if anything he's the least innocent.
Corbs😝: then who is the innocent one?
Me👑: definitely Daniel😂
Zachy🐵: yeah, remember that YouNow.
Zachy🐵: 'the fifteen year old makes me hor- wait what!'
Corbs😝: he turned so red and acted like he didn't understand what it meant.
DaniBoy🍫: shut up☹️
Me👑: well..... I have to go. Enjoy Graduation Jack and Daniel😚

This time Emily switched her phone off properly and fell asleep.


Emily checked her phone on the taxi drive to Jack's house.

Ava😚: Jack just left early to meet up with friends and take pictures and stuff.
Me👑: Thank you. I'll be there in a few

The taxi pulled up outside the surprisingly large two storey house. The nerves were starting to set in again. What if Jack's mom didn't like her? Emily quickly payed the driver and made her way up to the door. Before she even had a chance to knock, it flew open and there stood Ms. Stanford, her hair straightened and a beautiful dress going knee length.

"Emily, come on in," Ms. Stanford ushered her in.

Emily stepped in and the first thing she saw was a picture of Jack before the curls. She internally awed, bringing a hand up to her mouth.

"This is so sweet what-"

"Emily," a cute little girl yelled, running into the hall.

"Hi Isla,"

Ms. Stanford laughed a little bit at how adorable they were being. "You can go get changed in Jack's room,"

Emily let go of Isla's hand and walked down the hall to Jack's room. She set her suitcases aside and pulled out the just above knee height blue skater dress with the yellow belt. She had picked this out specially so she could match Jack's graduation gown.

Emily changed into the dress and stood infront of the mirror and straightened her shoulder length hair.

After putting on a small bit of makeup, Emily went back out to the kitchen where Ms. Stanford was setting out some food wrapped in tin foil.

"You look gorgeous," she complimented, setting down what looked like a cake.

"Thank you Ms. Stanford,"

"Stop with the formalities. My name is Kristin,"

Emily smiled and nodded. So maybe everything was gonna be just fine.


While Kristin, Sydnie, Ava and Isla went to sit up near the front, Emily stayed near the back until the ceremony began just in case Jack saw her.

Jack❤️: Graduating in a few mins🤓
Me👑: yayyy!!!!! I wish you lots of luck😚 I hope you don't fall receiving your diploma😉
Jack❤️: damn now your making me nervous
Me👑: don't be. You'll do amazing❤️

"Ladies and gentlemen, I welcome you here today for the graduation of the class of twenty seventeen," the principal announced through the microphone, startling Emily a small bit.

She pushed away from the wall and went down to where they were sitting. She slipped in between Sydnie and Ava.

The names were being called out and Emily was growing more excited with each second. She didn't realise she could get any prouder.

"Jack Avery,"

Emily perked up in her seat, looking over the heads and hats to see Jack taking his diploma and shaking the principals hand. Emily snapped a few pictures along with Kirstin.

When the ceremony ended, Emily let Kristin, Isla Ava and Sydnie out and waited for them to congratulate Jack before she did.

Sydnie turned around and winked and Emily took this as a sign to stand up. Jack didn't notice at first, and it warmed Emily's heart to see him so happy.

Then his head turned away from his youngest sister and landed on Emily. It took a few seconds for him to register but with in a second he had wrapped his arms around Emily, holding her in the tightest hug.

"You came?!" he exclaimed in more of a question than statement.

"Are you kidding, I couldn't miss your graduation,"

Jack pulled Emily into his arms for another tight hug, this time Isla wrapped her arms around the both of them aswell.

"Big happy family," Isla smiled her adorable toothy grin.

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