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Jade had arrived a few minutes after Emily. As soon Jonah noticed her arrival, he dragged Jade up to his room. Everyone had given eachother nervous looks but both Jonah and Jade had posted on their stories that they were just playing video games.

Emily noticed Daniel tense up at the table. Alayna must have noticed too because she started to rub his arm. It was as if something snapped in his head and he jumped up from the table and stormed off to his room without saying a word.

"I'll go see what's wrong," Emily quickly followed Daniel to his and Jack's room.
"Daniel, is everything okay?"

"No," he bluntly said, dropping his head into his hands.

"Well, what's wrong," Emily urged, limping over to the bed and sitting down next to him.

"I don't know what to do. I know Hailey likes me and I know Alayna likes me, and I really like them too. I have to choose one don't I?" Daniel looked to Emily and she noticed he had tears in his eyes.

"Yeah, I think that would be best,"

"I mean, Hailey is beautiful and talented and sweet, but Alayna is my best friend for I don't even know how long and I really do love her. And then there's Raya, she's so funny and-"

"Wait Raya is part of this? I thought Raya was just the really nice friend and Jonah's sister type of girl," Emily looked at Daniel, grabbing his face between her hands.

"I know, but there's something different about her," Daniel smiled blushing a small bit.

"Wow, I really don't know what to say except, all you can do now is follow your heart," Emily gave Daniel a small kiss on his forehead and left the room.

When Emily got back down stairs she took her seat next to Jack. "Is everything okay?" Jack whispered.

"Fine. Daniel just needed to do some thinking,"

Daniel came down a few minutes later looking nervous. He took a seat next to Raya and started a conversation.

Emily was happy Daniel picked Raya, she had thought they would make an adorable couple. Then something no one expected happened, Daniel leaned in until his lips touched Raya's.

There was a creak of a floorboard and everyone's heads, except Daniel and Raya's, turned. Jonah and Jade were standing there and surprisingly Jonah had a smile on his face.

It's #777 now!!!!


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