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After finishing the golfing, they were heading back to the car when Logan suddenly stops, staring at his phone.
He slowly turns it around to show it is opened on Jake's YouTube channel. It looks like he posted a new video, or more so a song.

"We have to watch this," Logan says mischievously.

Emily just shrugs her shoulders and sits on a bench, pulling out her own phone, puts in headphones and listens to it herself. She knew Logan and the boys were gonna say some shit, so she decided not to take part.

Emily had to admit, it was an alright song for a first try, and instantly she knew it was a sort of diss track against Alissa.

After the video ended Emily looked over to the boys. It seemed they were still watching the video so Emily did something she had been contemplating for a long time.


Me👑: Hey, um I don't know if you still have my number, but this is Emily just incase. I was wondering if you had Neels' new number?
Alissa: yeah sure
Alissa: *Insert Number*
Me👑: Thank you


Emily quickly put the number into her contacts.


Me👑: Hey Neels, this is Emily Paul. I was wondering if maybe you would like to meet up sometime when your in LA?
N.V: yeah, I would like that.


"Yo baby sis, you ready?" Logan called, snapping Emily out of her thoughts.

"O-oh yeah," Emily stood up from the bench and jogged over to the group.

"I'll see you guys later then," Logan winked, looking at Jack and Emily.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm taking you out," Jack smiled, sticking his hand out.

Emily looked at the rest of the boys and Logan who all had big smiles on their faces. She looked back at Jack and put her hand in his.

After turning around and saying goodbye to the boys, Jack and Emily walked hand in hand towards the shops.

The Directors Little Sister ✔ J.A.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang