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After changing into some sweat pants and hoodies, the three girls cuddle up on the couch, surrounded by food. Emma had set up Netflix. They were about to watch 13 Reasons Why. Emily had wanted to watch this for so long, and thought why not now with her two best friends.

After just five episodes, the girls were in tears. Emily had always been emotional but she didn't think a show would cause her this much emotion. An alert from her phone caught Emily's attention. It was a text from the groupchat.

Corbs😝: I miss Kong so much
Jonah🍌: yeah, I just wanna hold him so bad.
Me👑: well he's sitting in his bed.

Jack❤: he's so adorable❤
Zachy🐵: what would you do if Kong wasn't in your living room in the morning?
Me👑: I would probably drive to your guys house😂
Zachy🐵: well now, I didn't say we would take him, I was just using it hypothetically
Me👑: sure.....
Jack❤: what you up to?
Me👑: just watching some Netflix with Lenn and Emma, how about you guys?


"Emily?" Lenn called for the third time.

"Hmm?" Emily looked up from her phone to see the TV paused and Emma and Lenn looking at her.

"I asked, who are you texting?" Lenn asked, a little impatiently.

"Oh just the Why Don't We boys," Emily smiled. She switched off her phone and was ready to turn her attention back to the show.

"What is the deal with them actually? Well mostly, what is the deal with you and Jack?" Lenn smirked. She was always an observant girl so Emily wasn't surprised.

The truth was, Emily had no idea. She had only known Jack for such a short amount of time, yet she couldn't stop thinking about him when he wasn't around and can't stop staring at him when he is around.

"I dunno," Emily blushed, "I mean, I guess I like him,"

The two girls started squealing. They jumped off the couch and did a little dance.

"Hey, hey hey. Calm down. What about you and Zach?" Emily asked, trying to change the subject quickly.

It was Emma's turn to blush. "We're going on a date on Sunday,"

Lenn and Emily started squealing and dancing too. "Wait, Sunday? That means you only have two days to plan your outfit,"

"I know, but as soon as he asked I sort of blanked out and started thinking of what I could wear and managed to pick something,"

"Wow, applause to you for remembering everything in your wardrobe. I'm pretty sure I left most of my clothes in the old apartment," Emily laughed.


The next morning Logan dropped Lenn home and brought Emily and Emma to dance. Today was the day the groups would start their dances. Emily and Emma had been talking of ideas the while car ride.

When the two girls entered the hall they saw a divider had been put up separating the room into two.

"I'm guessing it's so no one copies," Emma pointed out. Emily nodded.

Emma and Emily walked over to their side of the room where the group was already warming up.

"Hey Emily," Tess smiled. Tess was a shy girl and had only really been friendly with Emily.

And at the two girls' arrival, more people started to stop their warm ups and came over. "Okay, so here's the plan," Emily explained the dance as best she could, accepting ideas from everyone. She also explained they would be dancing to a remix of Logan and the Why Don't We boys song.

"So, what do you think?" Emily asked after she had finished.

Everyone smiled enthusiastically. Soon enough they had run through the dance and class was over. Miss Martin had checked on the girls quite alot and kept nodding approvingly. Emily had felt small bursts of pride at this. At least she had a shot of winning.

Logan was waiting outside for Emily. Emma had disappeared off into the parking lot to find her mom. Emily hopped into the passenger seat of Logan's purple car.

"So, how was dance?" Logan asked, attempting to make conversation.

"Good. I can't wait to smack that smirk right off her face," Emily smiled at the idea of actually smacking Polly.

"Okay wow. Violence," Logan laughed. He turned up the radio and the two sang along to a few Why Don't We songs.

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