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Emily got out of the car. Logan yelled, or more so, screamed a goodbye, before violently pulling away.

Emily rolled her eyes and made her way up to the front door. It was unbelievable how five teenage boys had manged to get a house as beautiful as this, with a view as breathtaking as it was.

Corbyn pulled open the door with a big goofy smile on his face. "Emily!"

"Hey. Ready for a SLEEPOVERRRRR!" Emily called as she walked through the front door. Somewhere she heard Daniel yell a 'yes'.

She walked into the kitchen where everyone was sitting, either eating or on their computers. It was still only the afternoon so there was plenty they could do.

"Hey," Jack said, looking up from his computer before returning his gaze back to the screen.

"Okay, I'm gonna leave this bag on the couch and I'm gonna go outside," Emily dropped the bag on the couch and pulled open the sliding door. She walked over to a rock and sat on it, taking in the breathtaking view of Los Angeles.

Emily sat there for a while, on her phone scrolling through Instagram. She heard footsteps behind her and turned to see Zach.

"Hey Zach. What's up?" Emily hopped off the rock and made her way over to Zach.

"Well, we were gonna go for a swim and wondered if you would like to join us?" he asked.

Emily nodded and followed Zach inside. She grabbed her bag from the couch. "Will I get changed in the bathroom?"

"Yeah. It's just down the hall," Jack said.

Emily went down the hall until she found the right door. The bathroom was just as nice as the rest of the house. Emily pulled out her bikini and got changed into it. She put on a light, flowy cardigan over it.

She made her way outside where the guys were already waiting. Emily had to stop for a moment and take in the sight before her.

Five very attractive boys were standing before her, all shirtless, and she was about to get into a pool with them. Emily was amazed how lucky she was.

There was a few moments of silence before Jonah was the first to move. He shoved Daniel into the pool. Emily started laughing but still went to the side to help him. She reached her hand out and he took hold of it, and Emily was so sure he was gonna come up, instead he pulled her in too.

"Dude!" Emily exclaimed after she had resurfaced and wiped her eyes. "My cardigan. Someone's gonna have to take this," Emily had her own little plan.

Jack was the first to offer to take it. Emily felt sort of bad, but then again, it was just a bit of fun. He came over and was about to take it from her, when she grabbed hold of his hand and tugged.

He burst up through the surface of the water, his curls wet and fallen infront of his face. He huffed and started pushing the soggy curls from his eyes.

"Really?" he asked with an eyebrow raised.

"I'm sorry, it had to be-"

"Cannon ball!" no one had time to react as Corbyn cannonballed into the pool. "Woo hoo!" he celebrated when he came back up.

After a while Zach and Jonah came in too. They messed around in the water for a bit, Emily somehow ended up on Jonah's shoulders and was much higher than anyone else. Of course Jonah being Jonah, had pushed Emily off.

After getting out and drying off, it was starting to get sort of dark. Corbyn suggested a movie night and every one agreed enthusiastically.

As they sat down, everyone was in their pj's, and the movie was about to start, Emily's phone rang.

It was a facetime call from Logan. She groaned and picked up.

"Yes big brother, what can I help you with?" Emily asked, rather impatient.

"Jeez dude, chill. I was just wondering how you were doing. Also Mom is coming to visit for your dance thingy," Logan said. Emily shushed him.

She looked up and saw five raised eyebrows. She made a hand gesture to say she would explain in a minute. "Okay, is that all, we were gonna watch a movie now,"

"Fine fine. Goodbye," Logan hung up and Emily sighed in relief.

"Now, what did Logan mean by 'dance thingy'?" Daniel asked.

"Oh it's my first dance class of this term, and my mom insisted on coming to see as she never gets to see my dance classes," Emily explained.

"When you said you liked dancing for a hobby, I thought you meant like dancing a little maybe for your brothers' videos and when songs came on. I didn't know you went to classes and everything," Jack said. Emily thought it was cute how he remembered what she had said her hobbies were.

"Nope. In fact I have a show coming up soon. If you guys wanted to come, I could send you the details," Emily suggested. There was a bunch of yes'.

Jonah pressed play on the movie. Of course, a horror. Typical. Emily was shaking. She hated the anticipation of a horror movie. You were always waiting for something bad to happen, that you couldn't concentrate on the movie itself.

There was a jump scare and Emily started screaming. She buried her head in Jack's chest as he started laughing lightly.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you," he mocked, wrapping his arm around her. Emily felt comfortable leaning into his chest.


When it came to sleeping arrangements, everyone slept in the sitting room. Zach of course was on his air mattress, Jonah and Daniel were on mattresses and Corbyn, Jack and Emily were on the couch.

"Good night everyone," Emily whispered into the darkness.

".....good night....."

".....good night....."


".....see ya in the morning....."

".....nighty night....."

Emily smiled and closed her eyes, drifting off into a dreamless sleep.

The Directors Little Sister ✔ J.A.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon