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Emma and Emily approached Miss Martin after class with a bunch of the other girls.

"Miss Martin, if you don't mind me asking, why did you pick Polly as Dance Captain? I mean, I was doing a good job and everyone was happy with me," Emily asked the dance teacher infront of her.

Miss Martin started tapping her foot on the ground. "Because, she seemed very capable and I thought you might like a break,"

"Well, could I have the spot back?" Emily asked, but she knew she was asking alot.

Miss Martin thought for a moment, "I can't just do that,"

"Then could we have a competition?"

"When would we have it?" Miss Martin asked. Emily was ready to give up when Emma spoke up.

"What about the show we're having. We could have a little part of it as a dance competition then you decide,"

"Fine, you win girls," Miss Martin called over Polly and her group. "Okay Polly, Emily has challenged your spot as Dance Captain. I want you girls to decide your groups now, and you have until the show to practice your dance,"

Polly gave Emily a glare before announcing the first person.












"Okay, that's your groups. Next class will be your time to practice your dances, so start thinking of ideas," Miss Martin turned and walked away.

Polly gave Emily one last 'look' before sauntering out, her group of minions quickly following.

When the girls got outside, the boys were still there. Emma stopped and stared at the group.

"Oh my god Emily, do you see those boys. They can't see us, we're sweaty messes," Emma almost turned around but Emily firmly pushed her on.

"There's actually someone I want you to meet," Emily was already playing matchmaker, and she couldn't wait to see the outcome. She had already started thinking of ship names.


They weren't the best, but she was working on very short notice.

Jack was the first to look up, and smiled when he saw Emily. "Hey, how was dance?"

"Pretty great actually," Emma and Emily looked at eachother and smiled a little.

"Do we wanna know?" Jack asked.

"Well you'll find out if you come to our show," Emily said.

Zach was still looking at Emma, and Emily knew that Emma was trying to steal little glances at him.

"Zach, can I talk to you for a minute?" Emily asked, smiling a big toothy grin. Zach nodded and Emily dragged off across the lot. "Ask her out,"

"What. No. I can't just do that, we don't even know eachother," Zach started to complain.

"So. Just ask her out Zach, and so help me if you don't I will ask her for you," and with that, Emily dragged Zach back to the group. When she got there, she was still holding Zach's arm. She stood right infront of Emma. "Zach has something to ask you," then Emily grabbed Emma's arm and dragged her back over to where ever and Zach were talking. She let go of Zach and Emma's arm, gave one reassuring look to Zach and walked back to the group.

"What was that about?" Jonah asked.

"I'm playing matchmaker," Emily smirked, looking over to Zach and Emma who seemed to be deep in conversation.

"Emily," a familiar voice called. Emily turned and saw her mother getting out of Logan's car. It looked like someone else was in there too.

"Hey mom. Did you even stay for my class?" Emily asked, walking over to greet her mom.

"No. I actually had to pick something up from Logan's apartment," Emily's mom turned around to the car.

That's when she stepped out. She pushed her long brown hair out of her face. She looked up and as soon as she saw Emily, started walking.

Emily did the same. Soon enough she was jogging across the lot. They crashed into eachother, and although it hurt, neither seemed to care as they cried.

When they pulled apart Emily started to admire the girl before. The girl she had missed for so long. Emily started to look over her beautiful features. Her long brown hair, her gray-green eyes that were still glassy from crying and finally the pale skin that was caused by the awful Ohio weather.



The two girls started to cry again. Lenn was Emily's best friend from back home. One day Emily was walking back to her mom's house when she bumped into a girl. This girl just so happened to be carrying a cup of coffee. It spilled all over the two of them and the girl couldn't stop apologising. They found out more about eachother and soon became friends. That was about four years ago when they were thirteen.

The last time Lenn and Emily had seen eachother was Christmas when Emily went home with Logan and Jake. They ended up spending all their time together.

"What are you doing here?" Emily asked, wiping away her tears.

A group had gathered around the girls. The boys were sort of keeping their distance, confused as to why there was so much tears, Emily's mom was standing by, smiling at the fact she made this happen, Logan was Vlogging of course and Emma was sort of standing away from the group. She'd seen photos of Lenn, and Emily talked about her alot, but seeing her in person was completely different and Emma couldn't help but feel a bit jealous.

"Well, I've missed you so much and well I'm sixteen now and I'm gonna be seventeen soon, so my mom said I could come out here and live with my aunt," Lenn was still holding onto Emily's hand and knew she wasn't going to let it go, just incase this was all just a dream.

"Wait, so this isn't just a visit, your actually moving here?"

"Yeah and your mom helped plan most of it," Lenn turned around to look at Emily's mom who had very nearly started crying too.

"Mom! You did this. Oh my god thank you," Emily started hugging her mom.

After introducing everyone to Lenn, Logan drove them back to his place, while the boys got an Uber.

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