Chapter 6- Surprise Visits & Exposés✔

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I am always in control . I love being in control; I'd like to believe I have self control and I also don't want to be out of control. The only person who can turn my plans upsidedown is my son . He just snaps his fingers and whatever he wants or needs is his . I thought that Giovanni was the only one who could control me to a degree but I was wrong. I've dated a lot of girls since my Nina left me and the last one I introduced to Gio wanted to to ship him off to boarding school , and Nikki was loud. In fact all the girls who I slept with for fun were loud and selfish. I don't know why I attracted that type. I'm not loud...
However everything changed when I laid eyes on Cleo at the Market and the night she literally came running into my life. She's a breath of fresh air Giovanni loves her and I'm falling for her . Nicolai is already going out with Jane and well Jane was on my case this morning for reasons that were valid. When I asked her what happened with Duncan and Cleo , she cut me off and said she had stuff to do .

My son has a face he makes when he doesn't like something or someone. He has a look that's between sulking and looking disgusted. He had the look when I was with Nikki who didn't like him around ,but when I called him this morning to go out for lunch , he asked if Cleo would be coming to lunch with us and when I said yes, he sounded elated.

Cleo is unexpected and for me that's a challenge . I still can't get over the way she dominated me that night in the club and how she allowed me to lead with no questions asked. She even figured out the code I used for the penthouse and I never take anyone up there ... Ever. She was slowly coming around and I didn't want her to panic again. She was on my lap facing up when her eyelids fluttered open.

"Why do you have such beautiful eyes ?"

"All the better to see you with Cleo."

"Hmm what soft lips you have ."

"All the better to kiss you with dolcezza."

She slowly got up and looked at me .

"Azzuri this isn't Little Red Riding hood. "

"So what I can't be a big bad wolf pin you on any flat surface and make you call my name out in pleasure. Over and over again .That's all I can dream about lately... Well for the past two weeks."

"You horny fine specimen of a man no. You'd be committing a litany of actions that violate the code of conduct and I'd end up jobless reputation tainted and you will be okay."

"How so if I made the first move."

" Honestly speaking; your stance and financial standing and dare I say race, which doesn't matter to me at all but it would to small minded people. I'm black in case you haven't noticed. "

" I love Oreo's . I'm one too only difference is I have the vanilla biscuit cover and chocolate casing."

"Those are yummy . I love them."

"I love your type of Oreo. I will find a way."

I gave Cleo a hug and she hugged me back.

"Why do you smell of baby cologne ?"

I leaned back and laughed.

"Must you notice everything."

"You're using Giovanni's stuff . I'm going to tell on you."

"He's my son ."

"What are you doing in his stuff. You didn't ask your son for permission."

I chuckled and stood up stretching my hand out to Cleo to hold.

THE MASSA SERIES   Book 1 ( ESCAPING THE CEO)   BY K.C. MMUOEWhere stories live. Discover now