Chapter 50 - Forgiveness✅

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The past couple of months have been the hardest. I've tried to sleep,
but everything that happened; the week I did the unthinkable keeps
coming back to haunt me, and to make matters worse I miss Cleo and
she still doesn't want to see me . The week she gave birth our babies
were put in NICU I had to wait a while before I could see them but
I eventually got to see them . Our babies are Pisces twins born on the
16TH of March. Pio looked like Cleo and Pia looked like me. both
babies had the upper lip beauty spot; which surprisingly Cleo and
I had too . We still don't know what happened to Rachel but both my
parents moved to the lake house , leaving me with Giovanni who misses
Cleo more than I do but he still manages to call her using my phone
and they talk for hours but he gets to have weekly dinners with her
too and I'm not invited . Nicolai drives him. Paul and I are in
talking terms and we both

are back to being best friends . I also went back to work at Massa as
CEO. Cleo is still heading up the communications division. I still
don't get to see her because her deputy attends the status meetings
and he reads off her notes because she emails them to me the day
before the meeting.

I have Cleo on all three social media platforms . I need to keep track
of her whereabouts and what she's up to . Her mother is raising Pio
and Pia. I get to see them whenever I want because she still loves me
like his son. Cleo has kept the night I acted out of character quiet
and to herself. My mother has apologized to Cleo numerous times for
what she did but she still keeps her distance. My mom also gets a
chance to take care of the twins they alternate monthly . I had
another late meeting and Gio was at a sleep over; so that meant I
would go home to an empty house. I didn't have to deal with "Club "
politics; Carlo had things under control . When I made it downstairs
to the parking bay I saw Cleo's car, and I decided to go back
upstairs to go see her . There was no one in the building and the
thought of Cleo being all alone didn't sit well with me at all. I love
her , I'm still in love with her , I've sent her roses and orchards
every day with a message . Today I sent her deep red short stem
roses in a vase with a note saying that I'm thinking of her and the
babies . As soon as she got the delivery like clockwork she sent me a
text saying ; thank you , that she appreciates the thought and the
flowers . Today I also sent her a box of Swiss Chocolate caramel
and salt flavored. Every time she says thank you ,I text back asking
her how she's feeling and she always says she's fine and asks me
the same question ... Every time I type a paragraph pouring my heart out
telling her how sorry I am and how much I need her , I end up
deleting the paragraph saying; fine thank you have a good day.

When I walked in the office; Susan was walking out . When she saw
me she smiled and waved at me she gave me a wide eye look and took
out her phone pretending to make a call to someone important .

I walked straight to Cleo's office and her Shutters were partially
open. When I opened the door she didn't look up but spoke .

"Sue I said you can go home angel. I will be fine . I have the
weekend off anyway and the twins are at Rosa's .Since you're not
responding ... I will eat something and don't say I am too skinny ."

Why isn't Cleo eating ? I am going to give Sam a piece of my mind and
we both have the weekend off for the first time in a long time without
the twins and Gio around maybe we can focus on us . I smiled at Cleo
but she didn't look up from her notebook so I spoke;

" Well Miss Kwena Sue went home and we are the only ones left in
the building . where is your assistant?"

" He took an early day ."

THE MASSA SERIES   Book 1 ( ESCAPING THE CEO)   BY K.C. MMUOEWhere stories live. Discover now